  • Scully Syndrome
  • A case of Weirdness Censor where the Epileptic Trees invoked by the characters are so ludicrous that the viewers want to bash their heads against the wall and point out that accepting the supernatural reality would, in fact, be simpler. A marking feature of Agent Scully. Compare Invisible to Normals, Arbitrary Skepticism, Flat Earth Atheist. Not to be confused with the real Weinstein Kliman Scully syndrome. Examples of Scully Syndrome include:
  • A case of Weirdness Censor where the Epileptic Trees invoked by the characters are so ludicrous that the viewers want to bash their heads against the wall and point out that accepting the supernatural reality would, in fact, be simpler. A marking feature of Agent Scully. Compare Invisible to Normals, Arbitrary Skepticism, Flat Earth Atheist. Not to be confused with the real Weinstein Kliman Scully syndrome. Examples of Scully Syndrome include: