  • The Holy Inquisition
  • The Holy Inquisition is an Alliance side based RP guild, with a light based theme. The guilds main focus will be fighting cultists and teaching its members about the light.
  • The Holy Inquisition was a very successful institution created by the Holy Roman Catholic Church for the purpose of suppressing widespread heresy commonly found in Europe and the United States during the 13th-20th Centuries. The people responsible for seeking out and convicting heretics were called Holy Inquisitors. Inquisitors were very sleuthy individuals, think of them as a defenders of Medieval truthiness. They could smell a communion with the Devil from hundreds of miles away. An inquisitor's gut was so knowing, that they never knowingly convicted an innocent person.
  • The Holy Inquisition is an Alliance side based RP guild, with a light based theme. The guilds main focus will be fighting cultists and teaching its members about the light.
  • The Holy Inquisition was a very successful institution created by the Holy Roman Catholic Church for the purpose of suppressing widespread heresy commonly found in Europe and the United States during the 13th-20th Centuries. The people responsible for seeking out and convicting heretics were called Holy Inquisitors. Inquisitors were very sleuthy individuals, think of them as a defenders of Medieval truthiness. They could smell a communion with the Devil from hundreds of miles away. An inquisitor's gut was so knowing, that they never knowingly convicted an innocent person.
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