  • Chameleon/Shapeshifter
  • Shapeshifter is a male NightWing "mask"/enchantment by Chameleon that first appears in Moon Rising's epilogue. Chameleon, in disguise as Shapeshifter, was in possession of Darkstalker's Talisman, an animus-touched scroll, and was working for Scarlet before she was killed in Escaping Peril. Although his motives are unknown, he is easily persuaded by treasure and hates the RainWing tribe. It is later revealed that he isn't a true NightWing, but one of the forms of Chameleon. This morph is capable of having scales strong enough to withstand frostbreath and firescales, with the strength of ten dragons. Due to his hate for RainWings, he knocks out Kinkajou. This is also said to be Chameleon's favorite form, probably because of its power and super strength.
  • Moon Rising, Winter Turning, Escaping Peril
  • Shapeshifter
  • Shapeshifter, about his abilities from Darkstalker's Talisman
  • The possession of a piece of an animus-enchanted scroll, with the known modifications: Superdragon strength as strong as 10 dragons, unharmable scales, fire as hot as Peril's scales
  • Ex-Queen Scarlet's companion and ally
  • Male
  • "That scroll is mine! I'll find you! I'll take it back! You'll be sorry! It's mine, it's mine, it's mine!"
  • My talents have proven helpful to you.
  • Chameleon the RainWing's NightWing form
  • Shapeshifter is a male NightWing "mask"/enchantment by Chameleon that first appears in Moon Rising's epilogue. Chameleon, in disguise as Shapeshifter, was in possession of Darkstalker's Talisman, an animus-touched scroll, and was working for Scarlet before she was killed in Escaping Peril. Although his motives are unknown, he is easily persuaded by treasure and hates the RainWing tribe. It is later revealed that he isn't a true NightWing, but one of the forms of Chameleon. This morph is capable of having scales strong enough to withstand frostbreath and firescales, with the strength of ten dragons. Due to his hate for RainWings, he knocks out Kinkajou. This is also said to be Chameleon's favorite form, probably because of its power and super strength.