  • Emirkol the Chaotic
  • Emirkol the Chaotic, though a legitimate historical figure, exists now as a character of legend. History archives state that Emirkol was believed to have come from the northern lands- perhaps Valok or Gliposs. Nearly overnight, he set up a fortress in the craggy, forested mountains of Colia, overlooking a community of fishing villages near a lake.
  • Emirkol the Chaotic, though a legitimate historical figure, exists now as a character of legend. History archives state that Emirkol was believed to have come from the northern lands- perhaps Valok or Gliposs. Nearly overnight, he set up a fortress in the craggy, forested mountains of Colia, overlooking a community of fishing villages near a lake. His fortress grimly back and overbearing, he and his dark magic had no problems inciting fear in the hearts of townsfolk and manipulating them into submission. His towers were occupied by the most dastardly forms of apparitions and undead; he himself at the center of it all. Seperating the world from the "wild" was his clear intent, although the reason for this ambition was quite unclear. He was able to seperate quite a few of these cities before attention was called to him. The noble and well-loved King Cearbhaill was old of age and weak at the time, but nonetheless valiant in his efforts to stop Emirkol from seperating the entirety of Traesh from the wild, which he believed would unravel the very fabric of existence. After a great seige and war upon the mage and his dark forces, the King and his troops were successful, of sorts... All except a few cities had been seperate entirely from the "wild"- Dithreabh, Peble, Bennett, Arr, and Cailleath. For fear of the "wild" engulfing them entirely, four of these cities were evacuated... and not a moment too soon. Along the course of time each of them disappeared forever, leaving a ghost of a city, overgrown and hidden. The citizens of Cailleath, however, suffered a much stranger fate. To this day their homeland switches between residence in the material world and the "wild". To learn more about these occurences and their impact on the city itself.