  • Balargarde Fortress
  • Balargarde Fortress is a vrykul castle located on the cliffs above Onslaught Harbor in western Icecrown. It is the aptly-named seat of power of Overthane Balargarde, the master of Jotunheim. Because of its prominent location, Balargarde Fortress can be seen from the coast of northwestern Sholazar Basin, and even as far away as Borean Tundra.
  • Balargarde Fortress is a vrykul castle located on the cliffs above Onslaught Harbor in western Icecrown. It is the aptly-named seat of power of Overthane Balargarde, the master of Jotunheim. Because of its prominent location, Balargarde Fortress can be seen from the coast of northwestern Sholazar Basin, and even as far away as Borean Tundra.
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