  • Kitonak
  • Kitonak
  • Kitonak
  • Kitonaks were pudgy, slow-moving sentients from the harsh Kurdan Desert which covered the planet Kirdo III. Their physiology was an adaptation to their life as desert nomads, while their psychology was notable for their extreme patience and calm. They were also noted for their talent as musicians.
  • The Kitonak were a sentient species with pink skin and no eyes. Their bodies released a vanilla-like scent. They boasted thick, leathery skin, which allowed them to adapt to desert climates. The musician Droopy McCool from Kirdo III was a Kitonak. His true name was a series of whistles only pronounceable by other Kitonaks. Thaddeeus Marien was a male Kitonak who lived in the Reestkii settlement on Jakku.
  • Kitonaks are pudgy, slow-moving sentients from the planet Kirdo III
  • Los Kitonak eran una especie inteligente de baja altura natales del planeta Kirdo III.Suelen adaptarse a la vida de ser nómadas en el desierto,pero se caracterizan por ser pacientes y calmados.Muchos miembros de esta especie eran músicos ya que eran muy talentosos para eso.Tenían tres dedos,eran robustos,de piernas grandes y dos dedos en los pies.
  • Kitonaks were pudgy, slow-moving sentients from the harsh Kurdan Desert which covered the planet Kirdo III. Their physiology was an adaptation to their life as desert nomads, while their psychology was notable for their extreme patience and calm. They were also noted for their talent as musicians, such as Droopy McCool of the Max Rebo Band,who became fairly successful, particularly in the jizz and ontechii genres.
  • [Source] Espèce native de la planète Kirdo III, les Kitonaks ressemblent à des champignons géants, avec trois doigts à chaque main et deux doigts de pieds. Ils sont solidement bâtis, conformément à leur environnement hostile et peuvent survivre à des chaleurs extrêmes, puisque nés dans le désert qui recouvre intégralement leur planète natale. A l'instar de la majorité des autres espèces humanoïdes, ils possèdent une bouche, un nez, mais leurs yeux se cachent dans les replis de leurs peaux. La nature les protège des vents pouvant aller jusqu'à 400 kilomètres par heure et pouvant abîmer la cornée. Malgré leurs allures de champignons, les Kitonaks sont musclés et leurs jambes assez puissantes pour résister, là encore, à la puissance des vents de Kirdo.
  • Kitonaks are small and stocky creatures, with two legs ending in large, didactyl feet, and two arms with tridactyl hands. Their skin color varies from off-white to pinkish Though their fingers are short and fat, they are quite dexterous. Their bodies release a vanilla-like smell.
  • Bipédie
  • 60.0
  • Blanche à rose
  • Kitonak
  • Kitonaker
  • Kitonak
  • Kitonak
  • Music in the Star Wars Galaxy: The Modal Nodes vs. the Max Reebo Band
  • *Thaddeeus Marien *Droopy McCool
  • Китонаки
  • Kitonak
  • news/music-in-the-star-wars-galaxy-the-modal-nodes-vs-the-max-rebo-band
  • Kitonaks were pudgy, slow-moving sentients from the harsh Kurdan Desert which covered the planet Kirdo III. Their physiology was an adaptation to their life as desert nomads, while their psychology was notable for their extreme patience and calm. They were also noted for their talent as musicians.
  • Kitonaks are small and stocky creatures, with two legs ending in large, didactyl feet, and two arms with tridactyl hands. Their skin color varies from off-white to pinkish Though their fingers are short and fat, they are quite dexterous. Their bodies release a vanilla-like smell. Kitonaks have tough skin which fold to seal vulnerable openings, a trait evolved to protect them from the harsh environment of Kirdo III's deserts. They also have some double organs, including two pairs of lungs. Their double lungs can store oxygen, allowing them to hold their breath for up to four hours. Their ears, eyes, and mouth can be sealed, and are almost too small for the casual observer to see. Kitonaks move slowly, as they walk by expanding and contracting their foot muscles, or slither slowly in a prone position. Their strong feet anchor them during windstorms, while they lean into the wind with their aerodynamically shaped bodies and heads. In worse storms, when rocks began to fly, they burrow into the dunes. Their sense of smell is also centered in olfactory organs in their feet, allowing them to smell their prey through the sands without having to worry about the desert winds. Kitonaks are very patient, and never rushed. This is because they feed on creatures called chooba, and they have to stand motionless for a long time until a chooba gets near them. The nearsighted chooba mistakes motionless Kitonaks for sulfaro plants, which chooba often raid in search of fruit or bird eggs. One chooba satisfies a Kitonak's dietary needs for approximately one month.
  • The Kitonak were a sentient species with pink skin and no eyes. Their bodies released a vanilla-like scent. They boasted thick, leathery skin, which allowed them to adapt to desert climates. The musician Droopy McCool from Kirdo III was a Kitonak. His true name was a series of whistles only pronounceable by other Kitonaks. Thaddeeus Marien was a male Kitonak who lived in the Reestkii settlement on Jakku.
  • Kitonaks were pudgy, slow-moving sentients from the harsh Kurdan Desert which covered the planet Kirdo III. Their physiology was an adaptation to their life as desert nomads, while their psychology was notable for their extreme patience and calm. They were also noted for their talent as musicians, such as Droopy McCool of the Max Rebo Band,who became fairly successful, particularly in the jizz and ontechii genres. Kitonaks were small and stocky creatures, with two legs ending in large, two-toed feet, and two arms with three-fingered hands. Their skin color varied from off-white to pinkish Though their fingers were short and fat, they were quite dexterous. Their bodies released a vanilla-like smell. Kitonaks had tough skin which folded to seal vulnerable openings, a trait evolved to protect them from the harsh environment of Kirdo III's deserts. They also had some double organs, including two pairs of lungs. Their double lungs could store oxygen, allowing them to hold their breath for up to four hours. Their ears, eyes, and mouth could be sealed, and were almost too small for the casual observer to see. Kitonaks moved slowly, as they walked by expanding and contracting their foot muscles, or slithered slowly in a prone position. Their strong feet anchored them during windstorms, while they leaned into the wind with their aerodynamically shaped bodies and heads. In worse storms, when rocks began to fly, they burrowed into the dunes. Their sense of smell was also centered in olfactory organs in their feet, allowing them to smell their prey through the sands without having to worry about the desert winds. Kitonaks were very patient, and never rushed. This was because they fed on creatures called chooba, and they had to stand motionless for a long time until a chooba got near them. The nearsighted chooba mistook motionless Kitonaks for sulfaro plants, which chooba often raided in search of fruit or bird eggs. One chooba satisfied a Kitonak's dietary needs for approximately one month.
  • [Source] Espèce native de la planète Kirdo III, les Kitonaks ressemblent à des champignons géants, avec trois doigts à chaque main et deux doigts de pieds. Ils sont solidement bâtis, conformément à leur environnement hostile et peuvent survivre à des chaleurs extrêmes, puisque nés dans le désert qui recouvre intégralement leur planète natale. A l'instar de la majorité des autres espèces humanoïdes, ils possèdent une bouche, un nez, mais leurs yeux se cachent dans les replis de leurs peaux. La nature les protège des vents pouvant aller jusqu'à 400 kilomètres par heure et pouvant abîmer la cornée. Malgré leurs allures de champignons, les Kitonaks sont musclés et leurs jambes assez puissantes pour résister, là encore, à la puissance des vents de Kirdo. Le Kitonak le plus connu est certainement le musicien Droopy McCool du Groupe de Max Rebo.
  • Kitonaks are pudgy, slow-moving sentients from the planet Kirdo III
  • Los Kitonak eran una especie inteligente de baja altura natales del planeta Kirdo III.Suelen adaptarse a la vida de ser nómadas en el desierto,pero se caracterizan por ser pacientes y calmados.Muchos miembros de esta especie eran músicos ya que eran muy talentosos para eso.Tenían tres dedos,eran robustos,de piernas grandes y dos dedos en los pies.
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