  • RuneScape:Access levels
  • Everyone is able to read the RuneScape Wiki. Unless they are blocked, they may freely edit most pages without the need to be logged in. Further access levels need to be assigned manually by a user with the appropriate authority. Editors with more experience and good standing can request advanced permissions. This page provides a summary for each usergroup. For a full list of abilities available to usergroups, see Special:ListGroupRights. __TOC__
  • Everyone is able to read the RuneScape Wiki. Unless they are blocked, they may freely edit most pages without the need to be logged in. Further access levels need to be assigned manually by a user with the appropriate authority. Editors with more experience and good standing can request advanced permissions. This page provides a summary for each usergroup. For a full list of abilities available to usergroups, see Special:ListGroupRights. __TOC__