  • Vigintillion
  • A vigintillion is equal to 1063 in the short scale, or 10120 in the long scale. It is the largest -illion with a name in the English language other than the much larger centillion, although the extended names to the -illions like unvigintillion have been recognized by many people as well. In the long scale, 1063 is called decilliard, which is commonly used in France and Germany. This number is also called icosihenillion in Russ Rowlett's Greek-based naming system of -illions. Aarex Tiaokhiao gave the name vigimillion, referring to the value of this number.
  • A vigintillion is equal to 1063 in the short scale, or 10120 in the long scale. It is the largest -illion with a name in the English language other than the much larger centillion, although the extended names to the -illions like unvigintillion have been recognized by many people as well. In the long scale, 1063 is called decilliard, which is commonly used in France and Germany. This number is also called icosihenillion in Russ Rowlett's Greek-based naming system of -illions. Aarex Tiaokhiao gave the name vigimillion, referring to the value of this number.