  • Convince the residents to pay their protection fees to the urchins instead
  • From: [[]] There's a simple solution to this. Besides, it does the world good to be turned on its head every now and again. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Reason prevails
Failure title
  • There's just no helping some people
Game Instructions
  • Lose all Docks favours, but gain rewards from the urchins.
  • 35
Failure description
  • Neither the elegance of the solution nor its charming perversity can convince the residents to pay their protection money to the urchins. Instead, the dock-gang moves in and is forced back under heavy fire from the cannon.[...]
From Card/Storylet title
  • Youthful high spirits
Success description
  • There. The urchins get respect, the residents get protection, and you get paid from the urchins' stash of stolen silk handkerchiefs. Everyone's happy. Except for the dockers. They're very, very cross. Can't please everyone.
  • There's a simple solution to this. Besides, it does the world good to be turned on its head every now and again.
  • From: [[]] There's a simple solution to this. Besides, it does the world good to be turned on its head every now and again. [Find the rest of the story at ]