  • Fifty move rule
  • In chess, the fifty move rule states that any player can claim a draw if no piece has been captured and no pawn has been moved in the last fifty moves. All basic checkmates can be accomplished in much less than fifty moves, so this rule is created only to prevent an opponent from defeating the other player through sheer obstinance, and to prevent a win through forcing the other player into time trouble. This article is a . Please help us by improving or adding on to it.
  • In chess, the fifty move rule states that any player can claim a draw if no piece has been captured and no pawn has been moved in the last fifty moves. All basic checkmates can be accomplished in much less than fifty moves, so this rule is created only to prevent an opponent from defeating the other player through sheer obstinance, and to prevent a win through forcing the other player into time trouble. This article is a . Please help us by improving or adding on to it.