  • Netherealm
  • Netherealm
  • |}
  • La versión del Infierno en Mortal Kombat, el Netherealm es una prisión donde caen las almas corrompidas por la maldad, aunque no necesariamente se deba morir para acceder thumb|Kamidogu del Netherealmgracias a la existencia de los portales. Este lugar tiene la particularidad de absorver la energía vital de sus habitantes, y entre los mismos se cuentan onis, varios conocidos como Scorpion y disoses caídos como Shinnok.
  • Netherealm appears to be, like Outworld, a realm composed of different layers. In the Mortal Kombat universe, deceased souls or entities who have committed major crimes descend into the Netherealm to undergo endless torture. In fact, one cannot enter the Netherealm without being evil or have a soul tainted with evil. It is an alternative, more generic name for the Christian concept of Hell, as one of its former rulers was Lucifer (whose name appears only in the Sub-Zero game manual but not in-game). It is also described as "the darkest region of reality", and is inhabited by demons, monsters, and beings of the purest evil.
  • ben y raiden salen del portal en eso ben mira el lugar y pregunta si este lugar es edenia enso raiden se da cuenta que se equivoco de portal y dice que no que es netheralm y que se equivoco de portal en eso ve shinok uno el dios anciano y enemigo de raiden, eso le dice a ben que siga su camino ,shiaparece junto a raiden, y le dice que nol veia ase tiempo y empiaza a luchar mientras eso ben esta buscando la salida mientras que albedo lo sigue sigilosamente, mientras en la lucha entre raiden y shinok riden va ganando pero de renpente shinok lo aprisiona, entonces ben lo mira y lanza uno de sus misiles a shinok y va para ayudar a raiden entonces shinok patea a ben y ben cae al piso pero el una golpiza mas fuerte y empieza a luchar a luchar contra shinok mientras eso raiden trata de liberar se
  • 58
  • 5.0
  • 3
  • Ordination
  • 60.0
  • 1
  • Buff
  • 3.0
  • 58
  • 76
  • 86
  • 53
  • Netherealm
  • -
  • Creates a powerful negative energy field around the warlock that continually radiates. Anyone affected by the radiation will be dealt additional poison damage every time they are the target of a hostile poison or disease based spell. This spell has a recurrent power cost.
  • 30.0
  • Icon Netherealm.png
  • Warlock
  • Self
  • *Applies Netherous Cascade. Lasts for 5.0 seconds. **When target is damaged with a spell this spell will cast Nether Void on target. ***Inflicts poison damage on target ***Grants a total of 1 trigger of the spell.
  • |}
  • La versión del Infierno en Mortal Kombat, el Netherealm es una prisión donde caen las almas corrompidas por la maldad, aunque no necesariamente se deba morir para acceder thumb|Kamidogu del Netherealmgracias a la existencia de los portales. Este lugar tiene la particularidad de absorver la energía vital de sus habitantes, y entre los mismos se cuentan onis, varios conocidos como Scorpion y disoses caídos como Shinnok.
  • Netherealm appears to be, like Outworld, a realm composed of different layers. In the Mortal Kombat universe, deceased souls or entities who have committed major crimes descend into the Netherealm to undergo endless torture. In fact, one cannot enter the Netherealm without being evil or have a soul tainted with evil. It is an alternative, more generic name for the Christian concept of Hell, as one of its former rulers was Lucifer (whose name appears only in the Sub-Zero game manual but not in-game). It is also described as "the darkest region of reality", and is inhabited by demons, monsters, and beings of the purest evil. Though exits from and entrances to the Netherealm are very limited for obvious reasons, the world had quite a tumultuous history. Millions of years ago, the fallen Elder God Shinnok was banished there. After ages of imprisonment, he was able to break free, deposing Lucifer in the process. He restructured the realm to bear some resemblance to Earthrealm, the world which he had long desired to make his own. He later used it as a staging ground for the invasion of Edenia, but found himself cast into the depths of the realm again after this invasion was foiled. The abandoned war machines of Shinnok were then put to good use by one of his former acolytes, Noob Saibot. Two locations within this realm include the Bridge of Immortality and the Prison of Souls. These are almost like the Di Yu in Chinese Mythology. The Prison of Souls is the Chamber of Grinding and so is the Slaughterhouse. Shinnok's Spire resembles to that of Yan Wang's spire in Journey to the West. In Mortal Kombat: Deception's Konquest mode, Shujinko arrives during the "Festival of Torture", in which dead bodies burn and people watch them.
  • ben y raiden salen del portal en eso ben mira el lugar y pregunta si este lugar es edenia enso raiden se da cuenta que se equivoco de portal y dice que no que es netheralm y que se equivoco de portal en eso ve shinok uno el dios anciano y enemigo de raiden, eso le dice a ben que siga su camino ,shiaparece junto a raiden, y le dice que nol veia ase tiempo y empiaza a luchar mientras eso ben esta buscando la salida mientras que albedo lo sigue sigilosamente, mientras en la lucha entre raiden y shinok riden va ganando pero de renpente shinok lo aprisiona, entonces ben lo mira y lanza uno de sus misiles a shinok y va para ayudar a raiden entonces shinok patea a ben y ben cae al piso pero el una golpiza mas fuerte y empieza a luchar a luchar contra shinok mientras eso raiden trata de liberar se y recuerda que puede tele transportarse y lo ase en eso ben golpea a shinok y va ala diracion de4 raiden quien lo golpaea con su baston en tonces ben le patea a shinok y raiden le sus rayos ,entonces shinok cae desmayado ben le pregunta a raiden como se libero y le contesta que se teletransporto y se van hacia el el port6al en eso albedo entra des pues de ellos al portal para que no se dem cuenta
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