  • Karrel the Grox Slayer Chapters 7 - 9
  • The next morning, Karrel was taken to the verdant jungles of Tralgatar continent, a land where giant reptiles thrived in the vegetation. The rain was pouring giving a soothing ambience to the rain forest. Before him was what seemed to be a trail littered with miscellaneous obstacles all of which were part of the jungle. "Not so fast, Karrel. I cannot let you place that sword in the pedestal for this is sacred ground. Only I may place my sword in it." "I don't understand. This pedestal is reserved for the Royal Exam though." Karrel shouted, "Who are you?! Why did you knock my sword away?"
  • The next morning, Karrel was taken to the verdant jungles of Tralgatar continent, a land where giant reptiles thrived in the vegetation. The rain was pouring giving a soothing ambience to the rain forest. Before him was what seemed to be a trail littered with miscellaneous obstacles all of which were part of the jungle. The Exam Proctor said, "As you may already know, this portion of the test is the most physically demanding. It tests your fitness as well as your perseverance. The goal is to take this sword to the pedestal at the end of the course before nightfall." The Proctor handed over a thin, steel sword. "It is a 20 mile trip. If you fail to make it before nightfall, the nocturnal Batra and other dangerous creatures will swarm at you en masse. However, be mindful that you may still encounter dangerous creatures during the day. Are you ready? Go!" Karrel took off at a slight pace saving up his energy. The first obstacle was simply a steep slope. It was no problem. At the top of the hill was a steep drop off with a dangerous river below. He leaped forward and grabbed one of the hanging vines and swung over the top of the river. Soon enough, he landed on the other side and continued the trek through the jungle, hopping over rocks and avoiding giant bramble. About midway through the trip, Karrel came across a pack of Batra which were flying reptiles about one meter long. The creatures began to circle around him and were about to attack him. Karrel stood still, readying his sword, then the Batra swarmed. With dexterity, he sliced the wings of the dangerous creatures wounding them. He continued on the agility course. He was coming close to the end. The sun was about to go down and it was getting dark. Karrel picked up the pace. He came to another ravine. At the bottom of it was a twisting, entangled mess of bramble. The leap across seemed just out of his reach and the ravine extended for miles to his left and right. There was no other way around. "How am I going to do this? What if I don't make it? No, I have to. I need to for my father." Karrel took a few steps back and sprinted. He closed his eyes and jumped, flapping his wings a bit to give him a bit of air time. As he reopened his eyes, he came up short in the jump. Desperately, he drove the sword into the side of the cliff and saved himself. He leaped up, drew the sword out and continued. The sun was just barely visible over the horizon. As he approached the pedestal, a Dhragolon knight in heavy armor approached him. "Not so fast, Karrel. I cannot let you place that sword in the pedestal for this is sacred ground. Only I may place my sword in it." "I don't understand. This pedestal is reserved for the Royal Exam though." "That may be true, but you must prove yourself worthy of standing upon this sacred ground. En garde!" The knight swung his enormous, blessed Dragonrock sword at Karrel who barely dodged it. He swung his own sword at the knight, but it was easily blocked. "You have to do better than that, Karrel!" The knight swung his sword once more, this time injuring Karrel and tossing him towards the edge of the cliff. As Karrel got up, the knight effortlessly knocked Karrel's sword out of his hands and off the cliff, into the bramble. Karrel shouted, "Who are you?! Why did you knock my sword away?" "No weapon can defeat me! You hinder yourself with one!" That moment, Karrel suddenly remembered reading about an old story when he was a child. It was about a legend involving a creature known as the Garmatox that would raid a village every night. When a boy named Mathus went to confront it, the Garmatox did not let the boy fight it with weapons, but Mathus still defeated the Garmatox. He realized he had to fight with his true strength only and not rely on an instrument. Karrel stood up and charged, tackling the knight. When the knight tried to swipe him away, Karrel snatched the sword from his and stuck into the pedestal. The knight removed his helmet revealing himself to be the Exam Proctor. "Very good. You have passed. The Dragon Test Vessel is just through this trail, so hop into it and get us back to Yallvus." Although Karrel was tired, he needed to keep going as becoming king was such a rigorous task. He brisked through the trail, hopped on the Dragon Test Vessel with the Exam Proctor following him. He started up the engines and took off. Getting to Yallvus was no problem though he was attacked by a few drones on the way there. Not long after, the moment came when Karrel found himself standing on a floating platform with another Royal surrounded by an audience in all directions. "You, Rustiagon Karrel, have done well. You are the very first Dhragolon in history to answer all 1000 questions of the written portion correctly. As a member of the Royal Council, I am honored to grant you the title of King." The audience applauded and their claps echoed across the room. The Royal placed a yellow sigil in the shape of a dragon on Karrel and placed a blue hat with the same insignia on his head. "King Rustiagon Karrel, your father would be proud of this moment. However, as you have already experienced, being a king is a dangerous job. The Grox are still at war with us. We are counting on you to either force them to surrender or find a diplomatic solution. The new Dragon Cruiser is ready. You must depart to Raycaon."