  • The Body of Evil
  • The Chin was concerned that 5 villains from many webisodes might be up to something. The Doctor Robot (back from a game of Giant Doctor Golf) had finally returned. He freed the 5 villains and they were put inside the robot to form a Body of Evil. Cleft knew that the Chin was outmatched. Cleft thought, "The robot had a head, a torso, legs, arms and feet." Cleft noticed it was missing a heart. Cleft called his fairies to become his alterego, which makes him Timmy's alteralterego, a Heart of Gold! The Heart of Gold landed on the Body. The Body had a politer and feminine mind of its own. The Body spit out the villains and sent them to separate jail cells to prevent a similar incident. Timmy was sent home in his bedroom. His father who saw Timmy in his costume thought it was Halloween. Mr. Turn
  • The Chin was concerned that 5 villains from many webisodes might be up to something. The Doctor Robot (back from a game of Giant Doctor Golf) had finally returned. He freed the 5 villains and they were put inside the robot to form a Body of Evil. Cleft knew that the Chin was outmatched. Cleft thought, "The robot had a head, a torso, legs, arms and feet." Cleft noticed it was missing a heart. Cleft called his fairies to become his alterego, which makes him Timmy's alteralterego, a Heart of Gold! The Heart of Gold landed on the Body. The Body had a politer and feminine mind of its own. The Body spit out the villains and sent them to separate jail cells to prevent a similar incident. Timmy was sent home in his bedroom. His father who saw Timmy in his costume thought it was Halloween. Mr. Turner smacked Timmy with a bag of candy. The fairies helped Timmy carry the bag. And as they say in the last page, "The End".
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