  • Engulfing
  • Wyatt is capable of absorbing matter and energy into his body. The ability is consciously activated and can be used to absorb energy, objects and even people. When he does so, his body glows so much that he becomes temporarily hidden in the light, and he almost appears wreathed in fire. The objects or people must be touching his body for him to engulf them, but he can also draw them in. Once Wyatt has engulfed the matter. it is impossible for him to return them, or for them to be regained or refound in any other way, though they can be recreated. It may be that they are destroyed. It is unknown whether the matter he absorbs gives Wyatt energy and if he can live off that.
  • Monsters with engulfing attacks: To be expelled and escape from an engulfed state, you can: * wait it out (digesters will kill you rather than expel you, though) * kill the engulfing monster (best done with, e.g., a wand of death) * zap a wand of opening or spell of knock * ring the charged Bell of Opening * scare the monster with a tooled horn or drum or Magicbane (other methods rely on line-of-sight and thus do not work when engulfed) * polymorph yourself into something too large to be engulfed (size Huge or larger) * polymorph the engulfing monster into a non-engulfing monster (sets the resulting monster to one hit point; if by chance you polymorph it to another engulfer you will still be engulfed) * put on a ring of slow digestion (only works on digesters:
ability to
  • absorb matter into oneself
  • Engulfing
  • Absorbing energy and bullets from an attack
  • Monsters with engulfing attacks: To be expelled and escape from an engulfed state, you can: * wait it out (digesters will kill you rather than expel you, though) * kill the engulfing monster (best done with, e.g., a wand of death) * zap a wand of opening or spell of knock * ring the charged Bell of Opening * scare the monster with a tooled horn or drum or Magicbane (other methods rely on line-of-sight and thus do not work when engulfed) * polymorph yourself into something too large to be engulfed (size Huge or larger) * polymorph the engulfing monster into a non-engulfing monster (sets the resulting monster to one hit point; if by chance you polymorph it to another engulfer you will still be engulfed) * put on a ring of slow digestion (only works on digesters: lurkers above, trappers, and purple worms) * zap a wand of slow monster or spell of slow monster (only works on whirly monsters: vortices and air elementals) * zap a wand of digging or spell of dig (only works on non-whirly monsters: ochre jellies, purple worms, trappers, lurkers above and Juiblex; sets the monster to one hit point) * teleport yourself out, if you are on a level that allows teleport * teleport the monster engulfing you, if you are on a non-teleport level (on levels that allow self-teleport, you will teleport with the monster) Take note that when you are expelled from an engulfing monster, you are subject to any traps on the square you are released to. If the engulfing monster has moved you, this may trigger traps that you have not discovered yet. A directional spell will always hit the monster engulfing you ("The rips into the !") although ray-based attacks do not travel beyond the confines of the monster. Also, any melee attacks on an engulfing monster will always hit. This can be useful for practicing melee weapon skills at low levels. A ring of slow digestion protects against digesting attacks. Rather than damage you, "You get regurgitated! Obviously the doesn't like your taste." and you are expelled. If you have any free time while engulfed, you might try searching or engraving. The time you will be engulfed is shortened by high monster level, and lengthened by good (low) AC. This means digesters will fully digest you faster if they are high level or you are poorly armored. The effect is perhaps unintuitive for other engulfers, however. The minimum number of (the engulfer's) turns you will be engulfed is 2 (including the one on which you are swallowed), which means at normal speed you are guaranteed at least one to attempt to escape a digester.
  • Wyatt is capable of absorbing matter and energy into his body. The ability is consciously activated and can be used to absorb energy, objects and even people. When he does so, his body glows so much that he becomes temporarily hidden in the light, and he almost appears wreathed in fire. The objects or people must be touching his body for him to engulf them, but he can also draw them in. Once Wyatt has engulfed the matter. it is impossible for him to return them, or for them to be regained or refound in any other way, though they can be recreated. It may be that they are destroyed. It is unknown whether the matter he absorbs gives Wyatt energy and if he can live off that.
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