  • Metamortex
  • Metamortex
  • El Metamortex (también conocido como meta vórtice) es un elemento en Kirby's Epic Yarn que agrega hilos extra a Kirby para convertirse en una súper-transformación.right
  • Metamortexes cannot be passed, as the heroes cannot proceed without using it. The heroes will have their Metamortex form until they touch the Reel Gate, which is a long wooden pole (can be vertical or horizontal) that the heroes wrap themselves around to remove the Metamortex's yarn. The heroes cannot pass through the Reel Gate in normal form.
  • A Metamortex is a circular ball of yarn with a rainbow-colored icon in the middle that gives Kirby his super transformations, which take the place of Copy Abilities in Kirby's Epic Yarn. The transformation given depends on the icon on the Metamortex. There are other Metamortexes which power-up Kirby and Prince Fluff already in a super transformation.
  • El Metamortex (también conocido como meta vórtice) es un elemento en Kirby's Epic Yarn que agrega hilos extra a Kirby para convertirse en una súper-transformación.right
  • Metamortexes cannot be passed, as the heroes cannot proceed without using it. The heroes will have their Metamortex form until they touch the Reel Gate, which is a long wooden pole (can be vertical or horizontal) that the heroes wrap themselves around to remove the Metamortex's yarn. The heroes cannot pass through the Reel Gate in normal form.
  • A Metamortex is a circular ball of yarn with a rainbow-colored icon in the middle that gives Kirby his super transformations, which take the place of Copy Abilities in Kirby's Epic Yarn. The transformation given depends on the icon on the Metamortex. There are other Metamortexes which power-up Kirby and Prince Fluff already in a super transformation.
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