  • Kurdish City
  • Kurdish City (Japanese: クルド人自治区 Kurdish City) is a large city in Bronco. It is located in the middle of Bronco between Knono Bridge to the east of Route 6 and Route 8 . Shogo Bridge can also be reached to the north Knono Bridge where the meet. Kurdish City is the largest city in Bronco and is home to the fourth Gym in the Bronco League, led by the Electric and Fire-type specialists RJ and Luis.
  • Kurdish City (Japanese: クルド人自治区 Kurdish City) is a large city in Bronco. It is located in the middle of Bronco between Knono Bridge to the east of Route 6 and Route 8 . Shogo Bridge can also be reached to the north Knono Bridge where the meet. Kurdish City is the largest city in Bronco and is home to the fourth Gym in the Bronco League, led by the Electric and Fire-type specialists RJ and Luis.