  • Help her escape
  • From: [[]] Mr Fires has a particular savagery reserved for unionists. It's best not to think about the ones it captures. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Up and away
Failure title
  • Gone
  • 130
Failure description
  • They caught the unionist yesterday. You don't know where she was sent, but it wasn't New Newgate. A Special Constable gives you a mirthless grin in the street.
From Card/Storylet title
  • The Unionist
Success description
  • The unionist isn't the sort to hide out in the tomb-colonies. But you know some places in the Flit where even the Special Constables won't go. She'll be safe there for a while.
  • Mr Fires has a particular savagery reserved for unionists. It's best not to think about the ones it captures.
  • From: [[]] Mr Fires has a particular savagery reserved for unionists. It's best not to think about the ones it captures. [Find the rest of the story at ]