  • Heder Brant
  • Heder Brant was a male Imperial Security Bureau liaison stationed at the Imperial garrison on the backwater planet Spintir in 0 ABY. Brant did not like his posting on Spintir, nor the way the wealthy citizens in the city of Reles tried to be sophisticated. While a low-ranking member of the ISB, he bluffed and coerced his way to more power, as no one in Reles dared question the ISB. If Brant discovered a heist of the governor's collection, or a Force-sensitive, he would use it to his advantage, and attempt to get a promotion out of it. He did not usually carry a weapon.
  • *Galactic Empire **Imperial Security Bureau
  • Heder Brant
  • Galactic Empire
  • Heder Brant was a male Imperial Security Bureau liaison stationed at the Imperial garrison on the backwater planet Spintir in 0 ABY. Brant did not like his posting on Spintir, nor the way the wealthy citizens in the city of Reles tried to be sophisticated. While a low-ranking member of the ISB, he bluffed and coerced his way to more power, as no one in Reles dared question the ISB. If Brant discovered a heist of the governor's collection, or a Force-sensitive, he would use it to his advantage, and attempt to get a promotion out of it. He did not usually carry a weapon.