  • Kumasogami (Yamato Takeru Movie)
  • Tier: 9-B Name: Kumasogami Gender: Male Classification: Lava God Age: Unknown Powers and Abilities: Super Strength, Partial Shapeshifting, Durability Attack Potency: Wall level (Smashed through a large gate, more potent with arm sword) Lifting Strength: Likely Class 1 (due to body mass) Durability: Wall level (4 meters tall and lives unaffectedly while submerged in molten lava, can tank Oto's fireballs early in the movie, can tank Osu's sword slashes early in the movie) Range: At least a few dozen meters with Siege Bow Standard Equipment: Sword arm, Siege Bow, Exploding arrows
  • Tier: 9-B Name: Kumasogami Gender: Male Classification: Lava God Age: Unknown Powers and Abilities: Super Strength, Partial Shapeshifting, Durability Attack Potency: Wall level (Smashed through a large gate, more potent with arm sword) Lifting Strength: Likely Class 1 (due to body mass) Durability: Wall level (4 meters tall and lives unaffectedly while submerged in molten lava, can tank Oto's fireballs early in the movie, can tank Osu's sword slashes early in the movie) Range: At least a few dozen meters with Siege Bow Standard Equipment: Sword arm, Siege Bow, Exploding arrows Weaknesses: Nothing notable