  • Create Support Swarm
  • Ability User: Rankulas Battleship Antimatter cost : 40 Cooldown time : 60 Range : 1500 Duration : 180 Hull Points repaired : 150 > 200 Armor : 3 Max Hull Points : 425 > 530 Create a support oriented nanites swarm at target location which has a potent repair beam. Hull, armor and repair amount increase with level of the capital ship.
  • Ability User: Rankulas Battleship Antimatter cost : 40 Cooldown time : 60 Range : 1500 Duration : 180 Hull Points repaired : 150 > 200 Armor : 3 Max Hull Points : 425 > 530 Create a support oriented nanites swarm at target location which has a potent repair beam. Hull, armor and repair amount increase with level of the capital ship.
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