  • Marcus Van Sciver(series)
  • Marcus Van Sciver is a turnblood vampire, and key player in the House of Chthon and a subsequent revolt against the Chthonian purebloods. Van Sciver maintained the front of a wealthy businessman set out to restore aging buildings in Detroit, and used a hotel as his base of operations. His true goal was to perfect "Aurora", an anti vampirism vaccine for the purebloods, and to develop a virus targeted only at pureblood secretly. Van Sciver was responsible for killing Zac Starr, his personal familiar, which lead him to turn Krista Starr, setting the events of "Blade: The Series" into motion.
  • Marcus Van Sciver is a turnblood vampire, and key player in the House of Chthon and a subsequent revolt against the Chthonian purebloods. Van Sciver maintained the front of a wealthy businessman set out to restore aging buildings in Detroit, and used a hotel as his base of operations. His true goal was to perfect "Aurora", an anti vampirism vaccine for the purebloods, and to develop a virus targeted only at pureblood secretly. Van Sciver was responsible for killing Zac Starr, his personal familiar, which lead him to turn Krista Starr, setting the events of "Blade: The Series" into motion.