  • Megiston
  • Megiston is equal to ⑩ in circle notation, or 10 in a pentagon in Steinhaus-Moser notation. The name was coined by Hugo Steinhaus along with the mega in his book Mathematical Snapshots. In up-arrow notation, megiston is between \(10 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 11\) and \(10 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 12\). There is some confusion over the correct spelling of the number. Weisstein misspells it as megistron in a MathWorld entry, and Jonathan Bowers misspells it as megaston. Even more confusingly, "megistron" is also an alternate name for octalogue.
  • Megiston is equal to ⑩ in circle notation, or 10 in a pentagon in Steinhaus-Moser notation. The name was coined by Hugo Steinhaus along with the mega in his book Mathematical Snapshots. In up-arrow notation, megiston is between \(10 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 11\) and \(10 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 12\). There is some confusion over the correct spelling of the number. Weisstein misspells it as megistron in a MathWorld entry, and Jonathan Bowers misspells it as megaston. Even more confusingly, "megistron" is also an alternate name for octalogue.