  • Hitta Hitta no Mi
  • The Snatch Snatch Fruit (ひったひったの実 Hitta Hitta no Mi) is a Paramecia class Devil Fruit which was eaten by Ava; making her a Thieving Woman (窃盗人間 Settō Ningen.) The fruit gave Ava the powers to instantly and easily steal whatever possessions she likes from others by simply touching them. However, it seems to lack the ability to steal Devil Fruit powers from others.
  • The Snatch Snatch Fruit (ひったひったの実 Hitta Hitta no Mi) is a Paramecia class Devil Fruit which was eaten by Ava; making her a Thieving Woman (窃盗人間 Settō Ningen.) The fruit gave Ava the powers to instantly and easily steal whatever possessions she likes from others by simply touching them. However, it seems to lack the ability to steal Devil Fruit powers from others.