  • Suz Tremack
  • Suz TreMack was born in 19 BBY on Endor. In 0 BBY, Suz turned nineteen and helped destroy the Death Star by attacking it in a Y-wing, along with another Alliance to Restore the Republic pilot named Matthew Tuktiz, with Tremack being the gunner and co-pilot. The two survived the Battle of Yavin and became good friends. In 1 ABY, Suz's grandfather, Mace Windu, taught him through the Force.
  • *Rise of the Empire era *Rebellion era *New Republic era *New Jedi Order era *Legacy era *Post-Legacy era
  • Black
  • Bald
  • Suz Tremack
  • 1.89
  • Blue
  • Lim Nim
  • 19
  • Suz TreMack was born in 19 BBY on Endor. In 0 BBY, Suz turned nineteen and helped destroy the Death Star by attacking it in a Y-wing, along with another Alliance to Restore the Republic pilot named Matthew Tuktiz, with Tremack being the gunner and co-pilot. The two survived the Battle of Yavin and became good friends. In 1 ABY, Suz's grandfather, Mace Windu, taught him through the Force. When his training was over, Tremack had to find a lightsaber, as Windu had only given him a vibrosword. When Suz was out hunting, his race being renowned hunters, he saw an AT-AT coming towards him. He informed the rest of his Rebel base after another Rebel shot down a scout droid. Suz ran into battle with a vibrosword in his pocket and a heavy blaster rifle in his hands. He shot numerous stormtroopers until Matthew Tuktiz, along with a Nautolan called Lim Nim, arrived in a border ship. Lim Nim and Matthew drove the ship and Suz killed the remaining stormtroopers while the doors were closing. Lim Nim told Suz that he was also a relative of a Jedi (Kit Fitso) and those two started training together. Matthew, being the pilot of the ship, stopped for resources in Raxus Prime, unaware that it was under Imperial control. Luckily, Lim Nim and Suz went not too far away from the ship and trained. At one point, Lim Nim overpowered Suz and flew into a wreckage pile; as Suz fell, three lightsabers appeared out of the wreckage. Suz took two blue ones and Lim took another blue one. Suz's could connect at any time to create a Double-bladed lightsaber. Just before the ship took off, six stormtroopers appeared. Lim, sensing them in the force, did a back-flip and split two in half, then deflected the bullets from the other four. Suz came to his aid and put one lighsaber in one's head and the other in one's chest. Matthew then shot the remaining two in the back. They took off and went into hyperspace, up there they decided to keep the ship and decided to name it the Mace, after Suz's grandfather and the medieval weapon.