  • Deans of Extra-Galactic Civilization (1688-present)
  • The Dean of Monarchs is the longest continuously reigning monarch of the states of extra-galactic civilization. "Extra-galactic" civilization is defined as comprising of the Caladarian Galaxy, its satellite galaxies (the Great Tesmanian Cloud and the Angelina Spiral), the Great Amulak Spiral, its satellite galaxy (the Little Amulak Cloud), and the Crone Galaxy. The Deanship gained recognition c. 1566, at the onset of the Borderland Wars between the Laurasian Empire on the one hand, and the Dejanican-Lithuanian Commonwealth, along with the Marasharite Empire, on the other hand. It was at this date that full diplomatic and economic relations were established among the galaxies.
  • The Dean of Monarchs is the longest continuously reigning monarch of the states of extra-galactic civilization. "Extra-galactic" civilization is defined as comprising of the Caladarian Galaxy, its satellite galaxies (the Great Tesmanian Cloud and the Angelina Spiral), the Great Amulak Spiral, its satellite galaxy (the Little Amulak Cloud), and the Crone Galaxy. The Deanship gained recognition c. 1566, at the onset of the Borderland Wars between the Laurasian Empire on the one hand, and the Dejanican-Lithuanian Commonwealth, along with the Marasharite Empire, on the other hand. It was at this date that full diplomatic and economic relations were established among the galaxies. The Dean does not carry any special privileges or other rank of significance, besides the fact that they are more senior, in terms of length of reign, then all other monarchs. This page displays a list of all the Deans from 1688 through 1905, in the reign of Theodora I of Laurasia, and one century after the death of Laurasian Empress Aurelia the Great.