  • Darth Kryat (Grandmaster Trey)
  • Darth Kryat was the Dark Lord of the Sith.Leader and founder of the One Sith and a former Jedi. Sometime between 30 ABY and 128 ABY, Darth Kryat was exprementing with ancient Sith knowledge that concerned time travel. While manipulating time Darth Kryat caused by accident a tear in the time continum which caused various alternate and paralle universes to be created. His manipulation of time caused the Great War of Light and Darkness to happen.
  • Darth Kryat was the Dark Lord of the Sith.Leader and founder of the One Sith and a former Jedi. Sometime between 30 ABY and 128 ABY, Darth Kryat was exprementing with ancient Sith knowledge that concerned time travel. While manipulating time Darth Kryat caused by accident a tear in the time continum which caused various alternate and paralle universes to be created. His manipulation of time caused the Great War of Light and Darkness to happen.