  • Invasion of Scundia
  • The Invasion of Scundia took place in 1016 AE when the Proninist Party appeared in Scundia, catching the Scuns by surprise. The invasion went smoothly because Andrei Pronin managed to sway most of the Scuns to his side by promising to give them free cake. However, the cake was a lie. Nevertheless only a handful of Scuns opposed Pronin, and the few remaining loyalists fled to Maar Sul City with the deposed king Khasra III.
  • The Invasion of Scundia took place in 1016 AE when the Proninist Party appeared in Scundia, catching the Scuns by surprise. The invasion went smoothly because Andrei Pronin managed to sway most of the Scuns to his side by promising to give them free cake. However, the cake was a lie. Nevertheless only a handful of Scuns opposed Pronin, and the few remaining loyalists fled to Maar Sul City with the deposed king Khasra III.