  • Lcillion
  • Sbiis Saibian calls this number gogol. It is equal to 100 quindecillion in the short scale and 100 octillion in the long scale. It is the square root of a googol. Aarex Tiaokhiao calls this number hoofol or 50-noogol. Username5243 calls this number goohfol, and it's equal to 10[1]50 in Username5243's Array Notation.
  • Sbiis Saibian calls this number gogol. It is equal to 100 quindecillion in the short scale and 100 octillion in the long scale. It is the square root of a googol. Aarex Tiaokhiao calls this number hoofol or 50-noogol. Username5243 calls this number goohfol, and it's equal to 10[1]50 in Username5243's Array Notation.