  • La Víbora de la Mar
  • "La Víbora de la Mar" ("The Sea Snake") is a traditional Mexican song/game. In the game, two people form an arch, while others join to become a snake that passes through the arch. Each person in the arch represents a fruit (Watermelon and Melon) and when the arch closes one someone, they must stay with that person, forming a new arch for the snake to pass through. The song was the basis for a Plaza Sésamo animated insert, featuring more literal interpretations of the lyrics. In film insert, a group of kids play the game.
  • Traditional
  • "La Víbora de la Mar" ("The Sea Snake") is a traditional Mexican song/game. In the game, two people form an arch, while others join to become a snake that passes through the arch. Each person in the arch represents a fruit (Watermelon and Melon) and when the arch closes one someone, they must stay with that person, forming a new arch for the snake to pass through. The song was the basis for a Plaza Sésamo animated insert, featuring more literal interpretations of the lyrics. In film insert, a group of kids play the game.