  • When a Man (or a Freight Train) Loves His Cookie
  • When Tom's mom runs away with George Clinton, Freight Train and Tom goes to find her. Season: 4 Episode: 10 Total Episode Count: 74 Prod. no.: 4BQT05 Featuring: LeVar Smith, Evelyn Smith, Tom Also Appearing: Tyler, Taylor, Lenny, Sandals, Harold, Gus, Reverend Ekins, Eddie, Myron, Mr. Oxnard, George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars
  • 4
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  • Here Comes the Bribe
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  • Brownsized
  • Standing in for George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars
Episode Number
  • 10
  • 75
  • When a Man Loves His Cookie
First Aired
  • 2013-02-17
  • right|300px When Freight Train misses their anniversary, Cookie is left in tears. Cleveland tries to spark things by giving Freight Train tickets to take Cookie to a George Clinton concert but Cookie hits it off with George and leaves Freight Train to go on the road with George and the band. Freight Train intends to follow to catch up with them but Cookie is online on Cleveland's laptop and tells Freight Train that she is leaving him for good. Freight Train puts on a fake funeral to end his relationship and pretends to celebrate his freedom but Cleveland finds his dad actually misses Cookie. Freight Train at first refuses to beg for Cookie but Cleveland convinces him not to give up and they decide to track her down with the guy's help. Tim mauls George and the band and the guys take their place where Freight Train opens up to Cookie onstage during a song. During his song, he calls every woman he ever dated and cancels their relationship. Cookie is smitten with the show of sincerity and returns to Freight Train. left|300px While on a trip to an office supply store, Rallo is bored but Junior is excited to pretend to be an executive at an office display but finds out the display has been sold. Junior decides to hide in the set and finds himself pretending to be a real executive at an insurance agency. Faking his way through a meeting, he actually sparks an idea and is rewarded with his own parking space. But when the president wants him to make an appearance at a company picnic, Junior has to find a family to pose with thanks to the story he concocted. He gets Roberta and Rallo to pose as his family but a family spat in front of the boss does not look good for Junior but his boss actually understands and is supportive. Junior comes clean but the President still thinks he is better than the current employees and offers him a job in the future. Junior asks for and gets to keep his desk until then.
assistant director
musical numbers
Prod No
  • 4
in a sentence
  • When Cleveland's mom runs away with George Clinton, Freight Train and Cleveland go to find her.
also appearing
  • When Tom's mom runs away with George Clinton, Freight Train and Tom goes to find her. Season: 4 Episode: 10 Total Episode Count: 74 Prod. no.: 4BQT05 Featuring: LeVar Smith, Evelyn Smith, Tom Also Appearing: Tyler, Taylor, Lenny, Sandals, Harold, Gus, Reverend Ekins, Eddie, Myron, Mr. Oxnard, George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars Plot: When Freight Train misses their anniversary, Cookie is left in tears. Tom tries to spark things by giving Freight Train tickets to take Cookie to a George Clinton concert but Cookie hits it off with George and leaves Freight Train to go on the road with George and the band. Freight Train intends to follow to catch up with them but Cookie is online on Tom's laptop and tells Freight Train that she is leaving him for good. Freight Train puts on a fake funeral to end his relationship and pretends to celebrate his freedom but Tom finds his dad actually misses Cookie. Freight Train at first refuses to beg for Cookie but Tom convinces him not to give up and they decide to track her down with the guy's help. Lenny knocks out George and the band and the guys take their place where Freight Train opens up to Cookie onstage during a song. During his song, he calls every woman he ever dated and cancels their relationships. Cookie is smitten with the show of sincerity and returns to Freight Train. While on a trip to an office supply store, Taylor is bored but Tyler is excited to pretend to be an executive at an office display but finds out the display has been sold. Tyler decides to hide in the set and finds himself pretending to be a real executive at an insurance agency. Faking his way through a meeting, he actually sparks an idea and is rewarded with his own parking space. But when the president wants him to make an appearance at the company picnic, Tyler has to find a family to pose with thanks to the story he connected. He gets Vera and Taylor to pose as his family but a family spat in front of the boss does not look good for Tyler but his boss actually understands and is supportive. Tyler comes clean but the President still thinks he is better than the current employees and offers him a job in the future. Tyler asks for and gets to keep his desk until then.
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