  • Large Hadron Collider
  • Large Hadron Collider
  • Large Hadron Collider
  • Large Hadron Collider
  • The Large Hadron Collider would show scientists how the Big Bang happened. The Big Bang machine will show scientists how the big bang started the Universe.
  • The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a massive underground particle accelerator located in Switzerland.
  • the end is near sep 10th --Guardian 452 17:19, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
  • Large Hadron Collider är Jordens största partikelacceleration anläggning. Anläggningen är designad att kollidera motsatt riktade protostrålar med energi. Under 2008 när Meredith Rodney McKay och Jennifer Keller var på Kramer Innovations Inc. för Malcolm Tunneys projekt. Tunney berättade att folk fick kalla fötter när CERN aktiverade LHC om att de var rädda för miniatyr svarta hål och exotiska partiklar. (ATL: "Brian Storm")
  • Il LHC, Large Hardest Collider, è un potentissimo acceleratore di particelle costruito a Ginevra dal consorzio per la macchina. Progettato direttamente da Zichichi, Tonio Cartonio e Neil Buchanan e inaugurato da Gabriella Carlucci, già nota per i suoi studi avanzati sulla differenza tra massa e peso, che le sono valsi la presidenza del CNR, questo anellone gigante permetterà ai fisici di scoprire i più misteriosi misteri dell'universo, tra cui: * Che vuol dire "è buono qui, è buono qui" nella pubblicità del Tè Infrè. * Creare una femmina che sia attratta sessualmente dagli scienziati e pure carina (finora non si è riusciti a ottenere entrambi gli effetti contemporaneamente, se non per pochi secondi dopo di che la donna decadeva in una MOSR) * Calcolare la massa di Giuliano Ferr
  • The Collider was built by the Cruddy European Rip-off of NASA (CERN for short), and cost approximately 6.4 billion dollars (97 billion Canadian). Financing was achieved by siphoning funds from the many secret Swiss bank accounts, on the premise that the account holders wouldn't complain for fear of being investigated for tax avoidance. CERN folklore says the accounts of the Hussein family exiled in Syria as well as those of the Hitler grandchildren in Uruguay provided sufficient funds to purchase the solid gold heated toilet seats that CERN physicists stipulated as key to the success of the project.
  • The Large Hadron Hardon Collider (Also known as the boner rammer) is Europe's largest temple to science. It is a machine that allows atheists to worship their false gods Darwin and Newton. It was originally built inside abandoned Nazi tunnels and was designed to communicate with aliens. Scientists have not yet been able to justify its existence, nor reassure the public that it will not begin to fly once activated.
  • De meeste activiteiten in het LIRP zijn momenteel gericht op de Large Hadron Collider (LHC) en de daarmee verbonden experimenten. De LHC tunnel zit zo'n 100 meter onder de grond, in een dal van het Libertaanse gebergte. De tunnel zelf is ongeveer 27 kilometer lang. De PS en de SPS zullen gebruikt worden om versnelde protonen in de LHC te brengen.
  • De meeste activiteiten in het LIRP zijn momenteel gericht op de Large Hadron Collider (LHC) en de daarmee verbonden experimenten. De LHC tunnel zit zo'n 100 meter onder de grond, in een dal van het Libertaanse gebergte. De tunnel zelf is ongeveer 27 kilometer lang. De PS en de SPS zullen gebruikt worden om versnelde protonen in de LHC te brengen.
  • French-Swiss border
  • Large Hadron Collider
  • Giant particle collider
  • The Large Hadron Collider would show scientists how the Big Bang happened. The Big Bang machine will show scientists how the big bang started the Universe.
  • De meeste activiteiten in het LIRP zijn momenteel gericht op de Large Hadron Collider (LHC) en de daarmee verbonden experimenten. De LHC tunnel zit zo'n 100 meter onder de grond, in een dal van het Libertaanse gebergte. De tunnel zelf is ongeveer 27 kilometer lang. De PS en de SPS zullen gebruikt worden om versnelde protonen in de LHC te brengen. Er worden momenteel zes experimenten opgebouwd die in de LHC zullen plaatsvinden. Elk van deze experimenten zullen botsende deeltjes onderzoeken vanuit een verschillend gezichtspunt en met verschillende technologieën. De constructie van dit alles is een enorme uitdaging. Zo moest bijvoorbeeld, om één van de supermagneten naar beneden te laten, een speciale kraan van België worden overgebracht die in staat was om 2000 ton te tillen. Van die magneten waren er een 5000-tal.
  • De meeste activiteiten in het LIRP zijn momenteel gericht op de Large Hadron Collider (LHC) en de daarmee verbonden experimenten. De LHC tunnel zit zo'n 100 meter onder de grond, in een dal van het Libertaanse gebergte. De tunnel zelf is ongeveer 27 kilometer lang. De PS en de SPS zullen gebruikt worden om versnelde protonen in de LHC te brengen. Er worden momenteel zes experimenten opgebouwd die in de LHC zullen plaatsvinden. Elk van deze experimenten zullen botsende deeltjes onderzoeken vanuit een verschillend gezichtspunt en met verschillende technologieën. De constructie van dit alles is een enorme uitdaging. Zo moest bijvoorbeeld, om één van de supermagneten naar beneden te laten, een speciale kraan van België worden overgebracht die in staat was om 2000 ton te tillen. Van die magneten waren er een 5000-tal.
  • Il LHC, Large Hardest Collider, è un potentissimo acceleratore di particelle costruito a Ginevra dal consorzio per la macchina. Progettato direttamente da Zichichi, Tonio Cartonio e Neil Buchanan e inaugurato da Gabriella Carlucci, già nota per i suoi studi avanzati sulla differenza tra massa e peso, che le sono valsi la presidenza del CNR, questo anellone gigante permetterà ai fisici di scoprire i più misteriosi misteri dell'universo, tra cui: * Che vuol dire "è buono qui, è buono qui" nella pubblicità del Tè Infrè. * Creare una femmina che sia attratta sessualmente dagli scienziati e pure carina (finora non si è riusciti a ottenere entrambi gli effetti contemporaneamente, se non per pochi secondi dopo di che la donna decadeva in una MOSR) * Calcolare la massa di Giuliano Ferrara (per questo è stato progettato un computer con un processore a 1024 bit che tratterà grandi numeri) e determinare se potrebbe essere utile lanciarlo su Giove per raggiungere la massa critica e sostituire il sole quando si spegnerà. * Determinare il tempo di decadimento di un processo mentale da pensiero logico e razionale in stronzata senza senso nel cervello di mr. Lui. * Confermare la validità della Teoria delle Fibbie, basata sull'ipotesi di un multiverso a 77 dimensioni, di cui 60 spaziali, 12 temporali, 4 di riserva e una inutile ma tenuta perché raccomandata dal direttore del CERN in persona. * Determinare con precisione e mappare le variazioni del Coefficiente Sessuale Locale. Quest'ultimo scopo è quello che affascina maggiormente il mondo scientifico.
  • The Collider was built by the Cruddy European Rip-off of NASA (CERN for short), and cost approximately 6.4 billion dollars (97 billion Canadian). Financing was achieved by siphoning funds from the many secret Swiss bank accounts, on the premise that the account holders wouldn't complain for fear of being investigated for tax avoidance. CERN folklore says the accounts of the Hussein family exiled in Syria as well as those of the Hitler grandchildren in Uruguay provided sufficient funds to purchase the solid gold heated toilet seats that CERN physicists stipulated as key to the success of the project. The site of the LHC was carefully selected because of Switzerland's well known neutrality about everything, including, scientists hope, the Laws of Physics. Also, scientists are well known for their love of high quality cheeses and chocolates. Another deciding factor was the observation made by researchers that many Swiss women have a high sex-drive and seem easily impressed by the title "Subatomic Particle Physicist", even though no one actually knows what that means. Scientists at CERN have allayed fears that the LHC could bring about the end of the Universe, dispelling such ideas as irresponsible fear-mongering. In other news, the LHC is expected to reach full capacity around mid-to-late December 2012.
  • The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a massive underground particle accelerator located in Switzerland.
  • The Large Hadron Hardon Collider (Also known as the boner rammer) is Europe's largest temple to science. It is a machine that allows atheists to worship their false gods Darwin and Newton. It was originally built inside abandoned Nazi tunnels and was designed to communicate with aliens. Scientists have not yet been able to justify its existence, nor reassure the public that it will not begin to fly once activated. Its predecessor, the Small Hadron Hardon , was built in 1632 by Gailieo while he was in jail. No larger than a pocket telescope, it was however, powerful enough to start the black plague and inspire the first pope to wear those gay hats.
  • the end is near sep 10th --Guardian 452 17:19, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
  • Large Hadron Collider är Jordens största partikelacceleration anläggning. Anläggningen är designad att kollidera motsatt riktade protostrålar med energi. Under 2008 när Meredith Rodney McKay och Jennifer Keller var på Kramer Innovations Inc. för Malcolm Tunneys projekt. Tunney berättade att folk fick kalla fötter när CERN aktiverade LHC om att de var rädda för miniatyr svarta hål och exotiska partiklar. (ATL: "Brian Storm")
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