  • Goldar's Vice-Versa (A New Home, The Beginning Of A New Life)
  • I am at the Youth Center as Zack, Curtis, and I are watching Rocky, Adam, Jason, and Tommy giving a Karate demonstration. Just as they finish Billy walks up to us "Hey guys." Billy said "Hey Billy." I said "Hey you missed the Karate demonstration." Jason mentioned "Sorry but I had a meeting with the vice versa dace committee." Billy told us as the seven of us sat down at a table. "You know that is going to be a blast it's about time the girls had to ask the guys to the dance." Rocky said "So Rocky who are you going with?" Adam asked "Jessica Peterson man I can't believe she asked me." Rocky said
  • I am at the Youth Center as Zack, Curtis, and I are watching Rocky, Adam, Jason, and Tommy giving a Karate demonstration. Just as they finish Billy walks up to us "Hey guys." Billy said "Hey Billy." I said "Hey you missed the Karate demonstration." Jason mentioned "Sorry but I had a meeting with the vice versa dace committee." Billy told us as the seven of us sat down at a table. "You know that is going to be a blast it's about time the girls had to ask the guys to the dance." Rocky said "So Rocky who are you going with?" Adam asked "Jessica Peterson man I can't believe she asked me." Rocky said "How about you Zack?" I asked "Angela." Zack said "Really you didn't go with her last time." Tommy said "Yeah well she was sick that night." Zack said "Got ya." Tommy stated "What about you Curtis?" Zack asked "You won't believe this but Aisha asked me." Curtis said "Really that's great." Tommy said "I o ready know Kimberly asked you Tommy." I said "Kind of figure you did." Tommy said "Yeah she said she asked you the first day it was announce at school and since then has spent days trying to figure out what to wear she is even thinking of making a trip to the mall to see if she can find something." I stated "Figures." Zack stated "What about you Jason?" Rocky asked "Trini asked me." Jason said "Weird I thought she was going to ask Richie." Curtis mentioned "Yeah that's what I thought too last time at the last dance but she ended up asking me instead." I said "Really?" Rocky asked "Yeah granted it was all Kimberly's idea but Trini told me at the dance and let's just say Kimberly got it big time." I said with a chuckle The others also laugh at that. "What about you Billy?" Rocky asked "Marge." Billy said "Good for you Billy." Jason said "How about you Adam?" Billy asked "I don't think I'm going." Adam said "Why not?" Rocky asked "Well no one ask me and I don't think anyone is going to." Adam said "Don't worry Adam I'm sure someone will ask you." Billy said "What about you Paul?" Curtis asked "I haven't been asked either and I wasn't planning on going anyway." I said "What come on man you have to come and don't say because you can't dance because I know you remember how to after learning from the king." Zack said pointing to himself "It's not that Zack dances are just not my thing." I stated "So Black Ranger you haven't got a date well I can arrange that and I've got the perfect woman in mind." Zedd said Adam was at his locker when Aisha walked up. "Hey I've been looking for you." Aisha said "Why?" Adam asked "Has anyone asked you to the dance yet?" Aisha asked "No." Adam said "Well do you know Sara?" Aisha asked "Yeah she's on the Volleyball team and very pretty." Adam said "Well I happen to know for a fact she thinks you're cute." Aisha said "Yeah right." Adam said "I'm serious listen go to her Volleyball practice and she might even ask you to the dance." Aisha said "O right I will give her a chance." Adam said The two teens walked off. I was at my locker when Kat walked up. "Hey Paul." Kat said "Hey Kat what's up?" I asked looking up from my history book. "Has anyone asked you to the dance yet?" Kat asked "No I don't really think anyone would ask me anyway." I stated "Why?" Kat asked "Well most of the people in this school think I'm an egghead with me being a genius kid and all." I told her "Paul you're not an egghead we all think it's wonderful you have such a great gift." Kat told me "I know Kat I don't let what people say go to my head as I know for a fact that my family and real friends take me for who I am on the inside." I stated "Good." Kat said "And back to the dance topic I was planning on hanging out with Preston that night and play some Video Games." I told her "Well I was hoping you would be my date for the dance?" Kat asked Well there goes that plan I have to say yes or I will never hear the end of it from Kimberly. And besides I don't know what it is about Kat but something about her that sends chills down my spine. "Kat I be honored to escort you to the dance." I told her "Thanks Paul I knew I could count on you." Kat said Well I guess I'm just that kind of guy. 'Man and what is this that I am feeling for her all of a sudden.' I thought to myself "No I can't let her ask the Black Ranger to the dance. Goldar send down the Putties." Lord Zedd said Adam was walking along then he came across the Volleyball practice court. "There she is." Adam said Adam started pacing "Ok Adam you can do this she's a human being a very pretty human being. A very pretty female human being." Adam said Just then the Putties showed up. "Oh man not now." Adam stated Adam then started fighting the Putties and when he defeated them and saw Sara had left. "I don't believe this." Adam said in frustration Bulk and Skull were hiding from two females trying to ask them to the dance. "We've got to do something." Bulk stated "What about the window." Skull mentioned "Good idea." Bulk stated Adam, Kimberly, Aisha and I were sitting at a table. "Zedd has the worst timing ever." Kimberly mentioned "It's probably too late now." Adam said "Come on Adam you still have three days before the dance." Kimberly told him "Yeah man, don't worry too much." I said "O right Paul we got to get going." Kimberly told me getting up "Yeah I guess you're right." I said getting up "Bye guys." Aisha said "Bye." We said grabbing our bags Kimberly and I then walked off. "So I heard Kat asked you to the dance." Kimberly mentioned "Yeah she did this better not be your doing like last time." I warned her "Trust me little brother it isn't not after what happen when you found out about the last dance." Kimberly said "Good because if it was your plan then it would be even worse than your closet being glued and tape shut." I told her with a chuckle Just then they both heard something and looked and saw a female doing martial arts. "Who is that?" Adam asked "No idea." Aisha said Just then the female finished her karate and walked up to Adam. "Hi I'm Sabrina." Sabrina said "Hi I'm Adam." Adam said "And I'm Aisha." Aisha said "Hey Adam can I speak to you alone?" Sabrina asked "Sure." Adam said Adam and Sabrina walked off. "Something is not quite right about her." Aisha said Just then Sabrina then walked off and Aisha walked up to Adam. "Earth to Adam." Aisha said "Huh what?" Adam asked "You ok?" Aisha asked "Yeah but isn't Sabrina great." Adam said "I don't know." Aisha said "Look why don't you come to the park with us tomorrow." Adam said "Ok." Aisha said Little did Adam and Aisha know but Sabrina was listening in. "As long as she doesn't interfere the plan well going perfectly." Sabrina stated Little did anyone know but Sabrina was actually Scorpina. Adam, Aisha and Sabrina walked along. "Why did she have to come along?" Sabrina asked "Aisha is one of my best friends. I want you two to get to know each other." Adam told her "Not likely." Sabrina stated The three then continued walking Just then Goldar showed up. "What the Goldar?" Adam asked "Ha you fell for it Green Thunder Ranger." Sabrina said "What?" Adam asked Just then Sabrina turned into Scorpina. "Who are you?" Adam asked "I'm Scorpina your worst nightmare." Scorpina stated "I knew there was something I didn't like about you besides your hair and clothes." Aisha said "Oh I'm crushed." Scorpina said Just then Goldar tied the two Rangers to the tree. "Now to use you as bait for the other Rangers." Goldar stated "Yes my plan worked better now we have two Rangers." Lord Zedd stated Ms. Applebee walked up to Billy, Zack, Curtis, Kat, Trini, and I. "This is great you guys have done a great job." Ms. Applebee said "Thanks I'm just glad Adam got a date." I said "Apparently the new girl is really nice." Billy said "New Girl?" Ms. Applebee asked "Yeah I think her name is Sabrina." Kat said "You must be mistaken the last new girl to transfer to Angel Grove High was Aisha and you Kat. Well I better go got papers to grade I will see you all Tomorrow night at the dance." Ms. Applebee said Ms. Applebee walked off. Just then Jason, Rocky, Tommy, Preston, and Paul walked up "Hey have you two seen Adam?" Jason asked "Yeah he was supposed to train with us but he never showed." Tommy said "Oh if I remember correctly he went for a walk in the park with Aisha and Sabrina." Curtis said "This is really weird Ms. Applebee just said there is no new girl in school call Sabrina." Trini said "Let's head to the Command Center I have a bad feeling about this." I said "Same here." Kimberly stated "Let's move." Preston stated We then walked out of the Youth Center. "Any luck finding them Alpha?" I asked "Yes Paul they should appear on the Viewing Globe now." Alpha said We then look at the Viewing Globe. "So where are your friends?" Scorpina asked "Oh no it's Scorpina." Kimberly stated "Who's Scorpina?" Rocky asked "Bad news man." Tommy said "Wait I remember you guys telling me about her isn't she the one with the bad stinger?" I asked "The very one." Jason said "Rangers Scorpina isn't alone Goldar is with her." Zordon said "Right Zordon." I said "Ok let's go save our friends." Kimbery stated "Rangers, be very careful and let the Power Protect you." Zordon told us "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" I yelled out "UNICORNZORD!" Curtis yelled out "GRIFFINZORD!" Kat yelled out "RED DRAGONZORD!" Rocky yelled out "DRAGONZORD!" Preston yelled out "GORILLAZORD!" I yelled out "TIGERZORD!" Tommy yelled out "MASTODON!" Zack yelled out "PTERODACTYL!" Kimberly yelled out "TRICERATOPS!"Billy yelled out "SABER-TOOTH TIGER!" Trini yelled out "TYRANNOSAURUS!" Jason yelled out Once morphed we arrived at the park. "Ah Rangers so good to see you." Scorpina said "You guys ok?" I asked "Yeah." Aisha said "You guys handle the Putties I will take on Goldar and Scorpina." I said "Right just be careful Paul." Kimberly said "I will sis." I said I then start fighting Goldar and Scorpina with the help of Xavier. Tommy, Rocky, Curtis, Preston, Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini, Kat, and I fight the Putties we then defeated the putties and run up to Adam and Aisha. "O right." Adam said "Hang on I have to use my Power Lance." Billy told them Billy pulled out the Power Lance and sliced the rope. "Way to go guys." Aisha said "Let's do this Aisha." Adam stated "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Aisha yelled out "LIONZORD!" Adam yelled out "FIREBIRDZORD!" Aisha yelled out "You be sorry you ever messed with me Scorpina." Aisha stated I then kicked both Goldar and Scorpina down to the ground. "Party's over Goldar." I stated "That's what you think Gold Ranger Time to make both Goldar and Scorpina grow." Lord Zedd said throwing down two bomb devices. Just then both Goldar and Scorpina grew thirty stories tall and Scorpina transformed into a weird Scorpion form. "Whoa now that's just ugly." Kat stated "Zordon we have big trouble here." I said into the Communicator "I am aware of the situation Paul do to the combined power of Goldar and Scorpina Megazord, Dragon Zord, Thunder Megazord, Gold Gorill Zord, and White Tiger Zord may not be enough I have instructed Alpha boast the power of the Dino Thunder Ultrazord call on it if you find it necessary." Zordon told them "Ayi, yi, yi be careful Rangers." Alpha said "Right Zordon got it. Ready guys?" I asked "Ready." The others said "All Zords assemble, Power up now." All of us called out "Tyrannosaurs Dino Zord Power." Jason called out Just then the Tyrannosaurs Zord came out of the earth "Mastodon Dino Zord Power." Zack called out Just then the Mastodon Zord came out of the ice. "Triceratops Dino Zord Power." Billy called out Just then, the Triceratops Zord rolled along the desert. "Saber-Tooth Tiger Dino Zord Power." Trini called out Just then the Saber Tooth Tiger Zord ran along the jungle. "Pterodactyl Dino Zord Power." Kimberly called out Just then the Pterodactyl Zord came out of a volcano. "Green Lion Thunder Zord Power." Adam called out Just then the Lion Thunder Zord comes down through the mountains "Pink Firebird Thunder Zord Power." Aisha called out Just then the Firebird Thunder Zord comes flying down through the mountains "Blue Unicorn Thunder Zord Power." Curtis called out Just then the Unicorn Thunder Zord came down through the mountains "Yellow Griffin Thunder Zord Power." Kat called out Just then the Griffin Thunder Zord came down through the mountains "Red Dragon Thunder Zord Power." Rocky called out Just then the Red Dragon Thunder Zord came flying down through the mountains in its Dragon mode "Gold Gorilla Thunder Zord Power." I called out Just then the Gorilla Zord came borrowing down through the mountains "White Tiger Thunder Zord Power." Tommy called out Just then the Tiger Zord came charging down through the mountains "I call on the power of the Dragon Zord." Preston called as he then starts playing the Dragon Dagger Moments later the Dragon Zord rose up from the ocean and arrive at the battle. "Alright." Jason said before he jumped up and hopped into the Tyrannosaurus's cockpit. "Rangers log on." Jason said placing his hands on the controls Just then Zack, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly hopped into our respective Zords. "Zack here ready to rock." Zack said placing his hands on the controls "Billy here all systems go." Billy said placing his hands on the controls "Trini here ready to kick some butt." Trini said placing her hands on the controls "Alright let's keep it together." Kimberly said placing her hands on the controls. "Ok Rangers power up your crystals." Jason said as he placed his crystal into the consol "Two one power up." The others said as they did the same thing. "All right let's bring them together." Jason said Just then the Mastodon Zord transformed into arms with cannons out the front. Then the three Zords combined with the Tyrannosaurs Zord and the Pterodactyl Zord sat behind the T Rex's head. All five rangers ended up in the Megazord cockpit. "Alright let's do this." Jason said "Right." The other four said "Switching Megazord into Battle mode now." Jason said. "Right" The others said. Just then the tank mode started to stand up. Turning the Saber Tooth Tiger and Triceratops Zords into legs and feet. The Mastodon became the arms while the Tyrannosaurus became the body. Just then the T Rex's head went into the Megazord and the Pterodactyl Zord became the chest shield and the head of the Megazord activated. "Megazord online." They said together "Hang on I am on my way." Preston said jumping into the Dragon Zord's cockpit "O right Preston here let's do this." Preston said putting his hands on the controls in front of him "O right let's do this." Tommy said as he then jumps up and into the Tiger Zord's cockpit "White Tiger Zord convert to Warrior Mode now." Tommy said placing Saba into the slot on the controls Just then the Tiger Zord transformed into its Warrior Mode "Ok time for me to join in on the fun." I said as I then jump up and into the Gorilla Zord's cockpit "Gold Gorilla Zord convert to Warrior Mode now." I said placing Xavier into the slot on the controls Just then, the Gorilla Zord transformed into its Warrior Mode. "O right guys our turn." Rocky said Rocky then jumps into the Red Dragon Thunder Zord's cockpit "Rocky here let's go." Rocky said putting his hands on the controls Just then the other four Thunder Rangers jumped into their Zords cockpits "Adam here ready to go." Adam said putting his hands on the controls "Curtis signing in let's get to it." Curtis said putting his hands on the controls "Aisha here ready to rock." Aisha said putting her hands on the controls "Kat here I'm ready too." Kat said putting her hands on the controls "Red Dragon Thunder Zord Warrior Mode now." Rocky called out Just then the Red Dragon Thunder Zord transformed into its Warrior mode. "O right lets go Thunder Megazord transformation sequence now." Rocky said Just then the Five Thunder Zords combined to create the Thunder Megazord. "Thunder Megazord Battle ready." They said together "Hey Scorpina meet the Tiger Zord." Tommy said Goldar and Scorpina then attacked the Rangers. All our Zords punch them sending them to the ground "Hey Tommy how about a double team Thunderbolt?" I asked putting a sphere in the slot on the consol "Right behind you bro." Tommy said grabbing his sphere and putting it in the slot in front of him "Gold Gorilla Thunderbolt." I said "White Tiger Thunderbolt." Tommy said "FIRE!" We yell out together Just then three fire balls shot out of the Tiger's and Gorilla's mouth hitting both Goldar and Scorpina sending them to the ground "O yeah." I said "Driect hit." Tommy said "Thunder Saber Power up." The Thunder Rangers called out Just then the Thunder Megazord pulled out the Thunder Saber and powered it up and slashed down on both Goldar and Scorpina sending them to the ground "Dragon Zord Missiles online." Preston commanded pushing a button on the consol Just then five missiles pop out of the Dragon Zord's finger tips "MISSILES FIRE!" Preston yelled out Just then the missiles fired out of the Dragon Zord's finger tips hitting both Goldar and Scorpina sending them to the ground again but they get up just as quikly "We need the Power Sword now." Jason called out Just then the Megazord's Power Sword fell out of the sky with the Megazord catching it in midair "Energize Power Sword." Jason, Trini, Kimberly, Zack, and Billy commanded Just then the Megazord charge up the Power Sword and slash down on both Goldar and Scorpina sending them flying to the ground but the get right back up "Now it's our turn." Scropina said Both Goldar and Scorpina fired blasts at all of us sending our Zords to the ground "Say goodbye Rangers." Goldar stated "O right let's see if you guys can handle this one I call on the Power of Titanus and the Dino Thunder Ultrazord." I called out Just then, Titanus came rolling down through the mountains, then the Dragon Zord became the Megazord's shoulder pads, and then jumped into the middle slot of Titanus's back. Then the Tiger Zord's claws attach to the Megazord's hands. Then the Thunder Assault Team with the Red Dragon Thunder Zord came down and attach to the back of Titanus. Then the face of my Gorilla Zord attach to the front of the Megazord. "Transformation sequence is complete you guys ready?" I asked "Ready." The other stated "ALL WEAPONS LOCK ON AND FIRE!" We all yelled out Just than blasts fired out of Titanus's and Gorilla's mouth and the arm cannons and then it hit Scorpina and Goldar sending them to the ground. This time they struggle to stand up "Those who fight and runs away." Scorpina said "Lives to fight another day." Goldar said Just then both Goldar and Scorpina disappears "That's right run away Goldar you'll never defeat us." I stated "Well said bro." Zack said as we high five "Goldar you failed me again." Lord Zedd said "I'm sorry master." Goldar said "Mark my words Power Rangers you will not be so lucky next time." Lord Zedd stated We were all at the Vise Versa dance except for Preston. "Come on Adam cheer up." Kimberly said "Yeah you could be here with Scorpina." I said We all chuckle as Kimberly lightly slaps my chest "Yeah you're right as long as I am with my friends everything will be fine." Adam said "O right." Tommy said giving Adam five Just then Sara walked in and up to us taping Adam on the shoulder "Hi Adam I was hoping you be here." Sara said "Sara where's your date?" Adam asked "I came alone." Sara said "Well just don't stand their boy ask her to dance." Aisha whispered in his ear "So would you like to dance?" Adam asked "I love too." Laura said Adam and Sara walked off and danced. We started laughing again but this time at Bulk and Skull dancing with two female punks. The females kissed them then they clapped hands with each other. We just laughed at the sight. "Now that was classic." Curtis said "You said it man." Zack said clasping his cousin hand Just then they started playing a funky tune. Kat then taps me on shoulder "Hey Paul let's dance I want to see those moves of yours that Kimberly has been telling me about." Kat said grabbing my arm "Ok sure." I said as she drags me to the dance floor not really giving me a choice in the matter 'Well here it goes.' I thought to myself I then start busting out the dance moves that Zack taught me a while back. "Wow Paul has some great moves." Rocky stated "Yeah will he learn from the best come on guys let's join in." Zack said "You know it cuz." Curtis said as they clasp hands The rest of them then joined in on the dance floor and started dancing as well.