  • First Centauri Occupation of Narn
  • The First Centauri occupation of Narn began in the early twenty-second century when the Centauri and Narn made first contact with one another. Compared to the Centauri, the Narn were a more primitive spacefaring race, with colonies out to at least Ragesh 3. and Hylak VII. The Centauri fully conquered the Narn In 2109. In a short time the Centauri began to enslave the entire world and exploited the entire planet of its natural resources. Entire forests were completely cut down and the ground was strip-mined for minerals and metals.
  • The First Centauri occupation of Narn began in the early twenty-second century when the Centauri and Narn made first contact with one another. Compared to the Centauri, the Narn were a more primitive spacefaring race, with colonies out to at least Ragesh 3. and Hylak VII. The Centauri fully conquered the Narn In 2109. In a short time the Centauri began to enslave the entire world and exploited the entire planet of its natural resources. Entire forests were completely cut down and the ground was strip-mined for minerals and metals. The Narn soon began to form a resistance movement against their Centauri oppressors, and a long guerilla war broke out. After a one hundred Narn year war of attrition, they regained their independence in 2231.