  • Kaelor
  • Kaelor is an extremely isolated minor Craftworld of the Eldar. Under unclear circumstances, at some point in the distant past, Kaelor made a Webway jump to the edge of the galaxy and has not ventured back towards the galactic centre for several millennia. It has virtually no contact with the outside galaxy, and even the Harlequins barely remember its existence. The Kaelor Craftworld is located in the Segmentum Obscurus in orbit of the Eye of Terror. Though the Eldar have little presence in the Calixis Sector, with the exception of Craftworld Kaelor, whose migration route brings it through the sector once in a thousand Terran years. On such occasions, Imperial authorities have strict -- and highly confidential -- instructions from the Ordo Xenos to give it a wide birth. Battlefleet Calixis
Combat Specialty
  • Fast Attack Vehicles
  • Kaelor
Current Location
  • white
  • black
  • Red and Yellow
  • Aspect Warriors, Exarchs, Autarchs, Avatar of Khaine
  • Kaelor is an extremely isolated minor Craftworld of the Eldar. Under unclear circumstances, at some point in the distant past, Kaelor made a Webway jump to the edge of the galaxy and has not ventured back towards the galactic centre for several millennia. It has virtually no contact with the outside galaxy, and even the Harlequins barely remember its existence. The Kaelor Craftworld is located in the Segmentum Obscurus in orbit of the Eye of Terror. Though the Eldar have little presence in the Calixis Sector, with the exception of Craftworld Kaelor, whose migration route brings it through the sector once in a thousand Terran years. On such occasions, Imperial authorities have strict -- and highly confidential -- instructions from the Ordo Xenos to give it a wide birth. Battlefleet Calixis is tasked with intercepting any ships that would attempt to make contact with the Craftworld. As that time draws near once again, Kaelor sends warriors out into the Koronus Expanse, for its Farseers have seen something approaching, something wreathed in shadows that their sight cannot penetrate, which promises only doom for those that cross its path. Already, several of its outposts and a number of the Maiden Worlds under its protection have suffered sudden and catastrophic losses, leaving them utterly devoid of inhabitants and deathly silent save for the psychic echoes of something in great pain. In the last few decades, sightings of Eldar wearing Kaelor’s crimson and orange livery within the Koronus Expanse have increased dramatically, particularly within the Heathen Stars region. The most prominent leader of the Craftworld is Farseer Ela’Ashbel, an especially gifted and powerful psyker. Blinded at a young age during a confrontation with Chaos Space Marines of the Word Bearers Legion, she sheds tears of blood when she manifests her potent psychic abilities. Ela’Ashbel has a long history of manipulating humans and using agents of the Imperium as her cat’s-paws, often drawing them into conflicts that inexorably lead along paths of fate she has foreseen that lead towards the eventual benefit of Craftworld Kaelor. Craftworld Kaelor seems to have an especially close tie to a band of Eldar Corsairs known as the Twilight Swords. These piratical Eldar primarily operate in the Koronus Expanse, occasionally assisted by Kaelor Aspect Warriors or supported by Kaelor Dragonships. What the Craftworld gains from this relationship is an enigma, although some in the Ordo Xenos conjecture that Ela’Ashbel has made a pact with the Twilight Swords wherein the Corsairs serve in the role of a “stalking horse,” drawing out potential enemies and scouting ahead for the forces of the Craftworld. The Farseer may, in fact, be using the Corsairs for her own purposes, as she has been carefully directing their efforts in a search pattern throughout the Expanse. Exactly what, or whom, she is searching for is so far unknown.