  • Ixis Naugus
  • Ixis Naugus
  • Ixis Naugus
  • Ixis Naugus ist ein Charakter aus den Comics.
  • Ixis Naugus, one of the last surviving members of the Order of Ixis, was born from the fusion of three other wizards: Agunus, Nusgau, and Suguna. During his time as the Kingdom of Acorn's Royal Wizard, he helped instigate events that led to the Great War, and then fled to the Zone of Silence as a safe haven where he was trapped for years until he managed to escape after the First Robotnik War. Naugus became an immediate enemy of Sonic the Hedgehog, who eventually trapped him in the zone again until the Arachne released him once more. After being a prisoner in Dr. Eggman's Egg Grape Chambers, Naugus lost his sanity and blindly served his order's founder, Mammoth Mogul, until his mind was restored by a Chaos Emerald from his apprentice. Following this, he plotted to retake the throne from th
  • Ixis Naugusthumb|230px|Ixis Naugus Ixis Naugus es uno de los principales antagonistas de la serie de cómics y spin-offs sobre Sonic the Hedgehog publicada por Archie Comics. Es uno de los últimos supervivientes de la Órden de Ixis, nacido de la fusión de otros tres magos: Agunus, Nusgau, y Suguna. Ayudó a investigar eventos que posteriormente les llevarían a la Gran Guerra durante el tiempo que pasó como el Mago Real del Reino de Acorn, para más tarde volar a la Zona del Silencio con el objetivo de mantenerse en un lugar seguro, donde quedó atrapado durante años hasta que consiguió escapar después de la Primera Guerra Robotnik. Inmediatamente se convirtió en un enemigo de Sonic the Hedgehog, quien pronto acabó atrapándolo de nuevo en la Zona del Silencio hasta que los Arachne lo liberaron
  • Ixis Naugus is a fictional famed sorcerer who appeared in the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon series (known as "SatAM" by fans), and is a recurring character in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book published by Archie Comics. Ixis Naugus was known for discovering the mysterious Void.
  • 104.0
  • männlich
  • Antagonist
type of villain
  • Evil wizard
  • elementar Magie,emotionale Manipulation,Schattenwandler
  • ein Hybrid aus Nashorn,Fledermaus und Hummer
  • 39.0
  • Become King of the Kingdom of Acorn
  • Destroy Sonic the Hedgehog and almost anyone else who stands in his way
  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Possession
  • Shapeshifting
  • Mind control
  • Can transform into Ugly Naugus
  • Crystalline magic
  • Has control over the four elements
  • Using magic
  • Ixis Naugus
  • Wally, Naugus
  • Court Wizard
  • King of the Kingdom of Acorn
  • Member of the Order of Ixis
  • Walter Naugus
  • Ixis Naugus
  • 300
  • Ixis Naugus, one of the last surviving members of the Order of Ixis, was born from the fusion of three other wizards: Agunus, Nusgau, and Suguna. During his time as the Kingdom of Acorn's Royal Wizard, he helped instigate events that led to the Great War, and then fled to the Zone of Silence as a safe haven where he was trapped for years until he managed to escape after the First Robotnik War. Naugus became an immediate enemy of Sonic the Hedgehog, who eventually trapped him in the zone again until the Arachne released him once more. After being a prisoner in Dr. Eggman's Egg Grape Chambers, Naugus lost his sanity and blindly served his order's founder, Mammoth Mogul, until his mind was restored by a Chaos Emerald from his apprentice. Following this, he plotted to retake the throne from the Acorn family and succeeded through manipulating the fears of New Mobotropolis' populace, who crowned him king, only to face further difficulties.
  • Ixis Naugus ist ein Charakter aus den Comics.
  • Ixis Naugus is a fictional famed sorcerer who appeared in the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon series (known as "SatAM" by fans), and is a recurring character in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book published by Archie Comics. Ixis Naugus was known for discovering the mysterious Void. Naugus' appearance is mostly humanoid, though his body is covered with a coat of peach/light brown-colored fur and his eyes are red. His right hand is completely normal, but his left resembles a lobster claw, though both are covered by grey gloves. These are matched by a pair of boots, and Naugus' wardrobe also includes a black cape and a plain suit underneath-this has been shown to be blue on some occasions and purple on others. Other indications of Naugus' non-human nature are the horn sprouting from the top of his head, a long white bread, sharp teeth and his large, pointed ears. His species is never specifically stated in the "SatAM", but the comics name him as an anthropomorphic hybrid of bat, lobster, and rhinoceros.
  • Ixis Naugusthumb|230px|Ixis Naugus Ixis Naugus es uno de los principales antagonistas de la serie de cómics y spin-offs sobre Sonic the Hedgehog publicada por Archie Comics. Es uno de los últimos supervivientes de la Órden de Ixis, nacido de la fusión de otros tres magos: Agunus, Nusgau, y Suguna. Ayudó a investigar eventos que posteriormente les llevarían a la Gran Guerra durante el tiempo que pasó como el Mago Real del Reino de Acorn, para más tarde volar a la Zona del Silencio con el objetivo de mantenerse en un lugar seguro, donde quedó atrapado durante años hasta que consiguió escapar después de la Primera Guerra Robotnik. Inmediatamente se convirtió en un enemigo de Sonic the Hedgehog, quien pronto acabó atrapándolo de nuevo en la Zona del Silencio hasta que los Arachne lo liberaron una vez más. Tras ser prisionero en las Egg Grape Chambers del Dr. Eggman, Naugus se volvió loco y siguió ciegamente cada al fundador de su Órden, Mammoth Mogul, hasta que recuperó su consciencia gracias a las Chaos Emerald de su aprendiz. Acto seguido, intentó arrebatarle el trono a la familia Acorn, con éxito gracias a la manipulación del populacho en New Mobotropolis a base de miedo, quienes lo acabaron coronando como rey. Está basado en la versión de Naugus de Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM).
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