  • The Glooth Plant (Book)
  • 10.700000
  • Book
  • This monument of Rathletons ingenuity will become a shining example for the whole world. The plant will not only provide our beloved city and its factories with even more glooth power but it will be also more efficient, cleaner and more safe.
  • But this prestigious project is yet far from done!
  • The glooth plant
  • The construction plans for the glooth plant are considered top secret and only parts of it are available even to the scientists that are part of the crew. The finest minds of Rathleton have worked on this project for years and finally we will be able to reap the rewards of this hard work. Due to the use of natural resources and new, revolutionary ways to put the glooth to use, we will be able to provide the city with glooth power for years to come.
  • By using natural resources of the cavernous systems the plant can be provided with everything needed without complicated transportation systems and even use channelled underground rivers for cooling.
  • By locating it directly under the city center it can provide glooth power wherever it's needed.
  • Therefore each citizen is asked to do his best to keep this new heart of our city beating. Our administration and each citizen is grateful to those heroes that work in the plant. We cheer those repairmen that are fixing those machines and keep them running. We feel grateful for those brave channel workers that keep the cooling water flowing. We adore those scientists down their overseeing all those gauges and machinery. We celebrate those fearless fighters that protect the plant from any danger at hand.
  • With unity and ingenuity we will make Rathleton a better place.
  • As an example of Rathletons progressive spirit and a proof that our city is the most progressive and successful in the whole world. Under the guidance of our administration we make progress formerly undreamed of by humanity and we shape a better and brighter future.
  • Many challenges still await us and this important project is under constant threat from the enemies of our beloved city.
  • The glooth plant
  • The Glooth Plant
  • Rathleton Libraries