  • Secure an invitation to a scandalous party
  • From: [[]] You are sure that there are intriguing things going on behind these oh-so-seemly façades. Perhaps a person of your... colourful reputation could secure an invitation. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Quite the party
Failure title
  • The slamming of doors
  • 80
Failure description
  • 'I am entirely sure, [gendertitle], that no entertainment of that nature occurs at this address. Good day!'
From Card/Storylet title
  • The Tower of Eyes: Behind Closed Doors at a Handsome Townhouse
Unlocked with
  • 14
Success description
  • […]Your memories of the evening are shaky[…]. Sharing a honey dream with an aristocrat who may have been a princess. […]There is blood under your fingernails and an elegant slipper you don't recognise in your pocket[…]
  • You are sure that there are intriguing things going on behind these oh-so-seemly façades. Perhaps a person of your... colourful reputation could secure an invitation.
  • From: [[]] You are sure that there are intriguing things going on behind these oh-so-seemly façades. Perhaps a person of your... colourful reputation could secure an invitation. [Find the rest of the story at ]