  • Talrathi
  • The Talrathi are a species from Talrath IV in the Beta Quadrant. A trader people, they have been called the "honest Ferengi." Talrathi are humanoid, averaging 1.5 to 2 meters in height. The males are quite muscular, though they are a semi-pacifistic race. Talrathi will not start a conflict but they will fight to protect themselves, their families, their homes and planet. (Federation Gaming Network; Typhon Station)
  • The Talrathi are a species from Talrath IV in the Beta Quadrant. A trader people, they have been called the "honest Ferengi." Talrathi are humanoid, averaging 1.5 to 2 meters in height. The males are quite muscular, though they are a semi-pacifistic race. Talrathi will not start a conflict but they will fight to protect themselves, their families, their homes and planet. (Federation Gaming Network; Typhon Station)