  • Make a profit
  • From: [[]] Urchins peddle shoddy, vastly overpriced gifts this season. Demand always outstrips supply. There is surely room in the market for you. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A tidy profit
  • it could go either way.
Failure title
  • A crowded market
Failure description
  • […] Unfortunately, you then try to sell them in what turns out to be Knotted Sock territory. The urchins knock you down and steal all your stock, and later on, you spy three of them cheerfully selling it to passers-by.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Seasonal mischief
Rare Success description
  • You are lucky enough to stumble on some rare blue chanterelles […] One customer pays with his own story, a story of a love that transcended time and continents. A story that will be worth more to the Bazaar than he knows...
Rare Success title
  • In high demand
Success description
  • It's not difficult to source fresh decorative toadstools - a trip to Busby's Marshes does the trick. Tied in bunches with a bit of ribbon, they become perfect gifts for the forgetful Londoner in a hurry to take home to their beloved.
  • Urchins peddle shoddy, vastly overpriced gifts this season. Demand always outstrips supply. There is surely room in the market for you.
  • From: [[]] Urchins peddle shoddy, vastly overpriced gifts this season. Demand always outstrips supply. There is surely room in the market for you. [Find the rest of the story at ]