  • Vun'Hanna
  • Vun'hanna
  • [Source] Vun'Hanna was a location in space, situated within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. At some point before or during the year 27 BBY, it was the site of an encounter between the military forces of the sentient Chiss and Yuuzhan Vong species that resulted in a battle, in which the Chiss were victorious. In the year 55 ABY, the individual Lenang O'Pali mentioned the encounter at Vun'Hanna in the publication Mitth'raw'nuruodo Reconsidered: A Patriot's Perspective.
  • Vun'hanna fue un lugar donde los chiss encontraron a los yuuzhan vong varios años antes del inicio de la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong. Probablemente se encontraba en las Regiones Desconocidas.
  • Vun'Hanna
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion
  • D-7
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion
  • news/star-wars-the-essential-atlas-online-companion
  • [Source] Vun'Hanna was a location in space, situated within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. At some point before or during the year 27 BBY, it was the site of an encounter between the military forces of the sentient Chiss and Yuuzhan Vong species that resulted in a battle, in which the Chiss were victorious. In the year 55 ABY, the individual Lenang O'Pali mentioned the encounter at Vun'Hanna in the publication Mitth'raw'nuruodo Reconsidered: A Patriot's Perspective.
  • Vun'hanna fue un lugar donde los chiss encontraron a los yuuzhan vong varios años antes del inicio de la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong. Probablemente se encontraba en las Regiones Desconocidas.