  • Seireitei
  • Seireitei
  • Seireitei
  • Seireitei (瀞霊廷, Dwór Przeczystych Dusz) jest centrum Soul Society.
  • Seireitei (瀞霊廷, dt: Hof der reinen Seelen) ist das Zentrum in der Soul Society, welches einer japanischen Burg nachempfunden ist.
  • The Seireitei (せいれいてい, Seireitei) is the location for the HQ for the 13 Court Guard Squads, and is in the center of the Soul Society.
  • Seireitei (瀞霊廷, Court of Pure Souls) is in the center of Soul Society.
  • C1 Mayuri Kurotsuchi C2 Aramaki - Intoxicated C3 Bat Hollow - In Formation C4 Chad - Empowered C5 Frilled Hollow - Moving Along C6 Ganju - Focused C7 Hanataro - Scared C8 Thug - Confused C9 Thug - Glaring C10 Ichigo - Junior High School Student C11 Izuru - Student C12 Jinta - Batting Clean Up C13 Karin - Reassuring Sister C14 Kenpachi - Questioning C15 Kiyone - Attentive C16 Mayuri - Trigger Happy C17 Momo - In Training C18 Nanao - Unemotional Assistant C19 Nemu - Wounded C20 Renji - Sparring C21 Repentance Cell Guards - On the Job C22 Rukia - Freed C23 Sentaro - Following Orders C24 Snake Hollow - Slithering
  • 300
Debiut w mandze
Debiut w anime
  • 13
  • Capital City
  • s
  • Miasto czystych dusz
  • Dwór Przeczystych Dusz
  • せいれいてい
  • 瀞霊廷
Located In
Controlled By
  • Seireitei
  • s
kontrolowany przez
  • 46
położony w
  • Seireitei (瀞霊廷, Dwór Przeczystych Dusz) jest centrum Soul Society.
  • Seireitei (瀞霊廷, dt: Hof der reinen Seelen) ist das Zentrum in der Soul Society, welches einer japanischen Burg nachempfunden ist.
  • The Seireitei (せいれいてい, Seireitei) is the location for the HQ for the 13 Court Guard Squads, and is in the center of the Soul Society.
  • C1 Mayuri Kurotsuchi C2 Aramaki - Intoxicated C3 Bat Hollow - In Formation C4 Chad - Empowered C5 Frilled Hollow - Moving Along C6 Ganju - Focused C7 Hanataro - Scared C8 Thug - Confused C9 Thug - Glaring C10 Ichigo - Junior High School Student C11 Izuru - Student C12 Jinta - Batting Clean Up C13 Karin - Reassuring Sister C14 Kenpachi - Questioning C15 Kiyone - Attentive C16 Mayuri - Trigger Happy C17 Momo - In Training C18 Nanao - Unemotional Assistant C19 Nemu - Wounded C20 Renji - Sparring C21 Repentance Cell Guards - On the Job C22 Rukia - Freed C23 Sentaro - Following Orders C24 Snake Hollow - Slithering C25 Tatsufusa - Third Seat of Squad 8 C26 Ururu - Blaster C27 Yachiru - Calmly Watching C28 Yoruichi - Trainer C29 Yuzu - Helping Animals C30 Alarm Clock C31 Last Words C32 Spare Key C33 Super Nutrition Tablet C34 Dressing Room C35 Roofs of the Seireitei C36 Carried Away C37 Golden Cannonball C38 Martial Arts Training C39 Protective Shield C40 Body Energy C41 Mind Energy C42 Spirit Energy
  • Seireitei (瀞霊廷, Court of Pure Souls) is in the center of Soul Society.
is poprzednia przynależność of
is Bazy operacyjne of
is Stolica of
is Miejsce of
is base of operation of
is Capital of
is Place of
is centrala of