  • DWDVDF 36
  • Collectable loose leaf pages divided into seven categories that could be filed accordingly. * The Doctor Part 36 Doctor on Trial Why has the Doctor been captured by the Time Lords? The First Doctor Journey into the past and meet the Doctor's original incarnation… * Allies Laszlo The bizarre but tragic tale of a pig and the showgirl... Peri This Californian student had a wild ride in the TARDIS * Enemies Captain Hardaker Meet the Captain who planned to go down with his ship! Headmaster Finch The leader of the alien Krillitanes was one smooth operator. * Behind the Scenes Part 36 Script Supremo! Exclusive interview with Doctor who legend Terrance Dicks! * Technology Sonic Pen It's not only the Doctor that has sonic technology… * DVD Episode Guide (fo
Issue Number
  • 36
Next Issue
  • 37
Cover date
  • 2010-05-19
Previous Issue
  • 35
  • Doctor Who DVD Files
  • 20
  • Collectable loose leaf pages divided into seven categories that could be filed accordingly. * The Doctor Part 36 Doctor on Trial Why has the Doctor been captured by the Time Lords? The First Doctor Journey into the past and meet the Doctor's original incarnation… * Allies Laszlo The bizarre but tragic tale of a pig and the showgirl... Peri This Californian student had a wild ride in the TARDIS * Enemies Captain Hardaker Meet the Captain who planned to go down with his ship! Headmaster Finch The leader of the alien Krillitanes was one smooth operator. * Behind the Scenes Part 36 Script Supremo! Exclusive interview with Doctor who legend Terrance Dicks! * Technology Sonic Pen It's not only the Doctor that has sonic technology… * DVD Episode Guide (fold-out) The Caves of Androzani Prepare for a white-knuckle ride as the Fifth Doctor faces death!