  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Tricia tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka es una periodista del "Action 8 News" que cubría la noticia de la reapertura de la tienda de pollos de Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack después de que Hurley lo comprara. Tanaka entrevistó a Hurley delante del restaurante, pero no estaba contenta en cómo había quedado el reportaje, así que le pide a Hurley que le deje entrar en el restaurante para grabar algunas imágenes. Al principio Hurley se niega, ya que sabe que con su racha de mala suerte la vida de Tricia corre peligro. Randy le convence de que no va a pasar nada, y Tanaka y su cámara entran en el restaurante. Justo en ese momento, un meteorito cae en el restaurante, reduciéndolo a cenizas y matando a Tricia Tanaka y a su cámara.
  • Tricia Tanaka est une journaliste d'Action 8 News qui couvre la réouverture de M. Cotcot après qu'Hurley l'a acheté. Tricia Tanaka interviewe Hurley devant le restaurant, mais n'est pas satisfaite du résultat. Elle explique à Hurley qu'elle ne veut pas entendre parler de malchance, que ce n'est pas ce que les auditeurs veulent. Hurley acquiesce et accepte de refaire l'interview. Ensuite elle demande s'il elle peut aller faire quelques prises dans le restaurant. Hurley est plutôt contre car il n'a pas été inauguré mais Randy Nations lui dit qu'elle peut y aller. C'est alors qu'une météorite s'écrase sur le restaurant, tuant Tricia, le cameraman et un employé. (Chance et malchance)
  • Dziennikarka z telewizji Action 8 News, przeprowadzała wywiad z Hurley`em. Zginęła podczas uderzenia meteorytu w budynek Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack.
  • Tricia Tanaka war eine Reporterin, die Hurley auf Grund seines Lottogewinns und des Kaufs von Mr. Cluck's Hühnchenbude interviewt hat. Allerdings hat dieser nicht die gewünschten Antworten geliefert, weswegen sie schnell genervt und sarkastisch reagiert hat. Daraufhin lief sie zusammen mit ihrem Kameramann in die Hühnchenbude, die daraufhin von einem Meteoriten getroffen und zerstört wurde. Sie und ihr Kameramann starben dabei. („“)
  • Tricia Tanaka è la reporter di Action 8 News che intervista Hurley all'apertura del Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack, locale appena comprato dallo stesso Hurley dopo aver vinto la lotteria, nell'episodio "Tricia Tanaka è morta". Tricia lo intervista davanti al suo ristorante, ma rimane delusa dalle risposte evasive e insoddisfacenti dategli da Hurley. La giornalista gli spiega che la gente non vuole sentir parlare di "sfortuna" o delle sue vicende tristi in seguito alla vincita della lotteria; decide così di andare all'interno a filmare il ristorante insieme al suo cameraman. Dopo pochi istanti dal suo ingresso, un meteorite si abbatte sul locale distruggendolo, e di fatto uccidendo lei e il suo cameraman.
  • Tricia Tanaka was a newswoman from Action 8 News. She reported on Hurley's winning of the lottery, and his subsequent reopening of Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack.Tanaka interviewed Hurley in front of Mr. Cluck's, but quickly cut the interview short after Hurley started talking about his bad luck. After Tanaka and her cameraman went inside Mr. Cluck's to shoot additional footage, a meteorite crashed into and destroyed Mr. Cluck’s, killing Tricia Tanaka and the cameraman.
  • Tricia Tanaka was a reporter for a local television station in California. She had been interviewing Hurley and Randy after Hurley purchased a Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack and was planning to re-open it. During her interview, she became annoyed with the way Hurley shifted what was supposed to be a light-hearted interview to his supposed "curse". She proceeded inside to take some shots of the restaurant, when a meteorite suddenly appeared out of the sky, and collided with Mr. Cluck's, destroying it, and killing Tricia and others inside.
  • Tricia Tanaka era a jornalista que cobriu a reportagem sobre Hurley ter ganho na loteria. Tricia entrevistou Hurley na frente do restaurante Mr. Clucks, mas ficou insatisfeita com a entrevista inicial de Hurley. Ela explicou que queria uma história mais emocionante do que a má sorte de Hurley. Ele concorda em dar outra entrevista, o que leva Tricia a pedir para seu cameraman pegar uma visão melhor por dentro do Mr. Clucks. Nesse momento um meteoritocai no Mr. Clucks, destruindo o restaurante e matando Tricia e seu cameraman. [[Ficheiro:Meteorito_BUM!.jpg|thumb|Momento que o Mr. Clucks vai pelos ares.]]
  • California, USA
  • Kobieta
  • Triciatanaka.jpg
  • Reporterka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Reporter
  • Tricia
  • Tanaka
  • Décédée
  • Sung Hi Lee
  • 20
  • Crushed by a Meteorite
  • Los Angeles
  • 3
  • Tricia_Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • 20
  • -9.46728E8
  • Reportera de noticias
  • Deceased
  • Nie żyje
  • verstorben
  • Morta pelo meteorito.
  • 800
  • Tricia_Tanaka
  • Los Angeles
  • Tricia_Tanaka
  • Sung Hi Lee
  • Sung Hi Lee
  • Sung Hi Lee
  • Sung Hi Lee
  • Sung Hi Lee
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • 250
  • Przeprowadzała z Hurleyem wywiad po jego wygranej
Miejsce śmierci
  • Los Angeles, USA
  • 200
  • Covered Hurley's lotto win
  • Hacía un reportaje sobre Hurley.
  • Cobriu a reportagem sobre o acerto na loteria de Hurley.
  • Eine Reporterin die Hurley über seinen Lottogewinn interviewt hat
  • Tricia_Tanaka
Data śmierci
  • Lato 2004
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • left
  • Tricia_Tanaka
  • Tricia Tanaka
  • News reporter
  • Reporterin
  • Repórter
  • Reporter
  • Tricia_Tanaka
  • Muerta
  • Tricia_Tanaka
  • Desconocida
  • Los Angeles, California, USA
  • unbekannt
  • Desconhecido
  • Female
Date of Birth
  • Desconhecida
  • 2004
  • 1
  • The destruction of Mr. Cluck's.
  • Interview Hurley après qu'il a gagné au loto.
  • Tricia Tanaka es una periodista del "Action 8 News" que cubría la noticia de la reapertura de la tienda de pollos de Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack después de que Hurley lo comprara. Tanaka entrevistó a Hurley delante del restaurante, pero no estaba contenta en cómo había quedado el reportaje, así que le pide a Hurley que le deje entrar en el restaurante para grabar algunas imágenes. Al principio Hurley se niega, ya que sabe que con su racha de mala suerte la vida de Tricia corre peligro. Randy le convence de que no va a pasar nada, y Tanaka y su cámara entran en el restaurante. Justo en ese momento, un meteorito cae en el restaurante, reduciéndolo a cenizas y matando a Tricia Tanaka y a su cámara.
  • Tricia Tanaka est une journaliste d'Action 8 News qui couvre la réouverture de M. Cotcot après qu'Hurley l'a acheté. Tricia Tanaka interviewe Hurley devant le restaurant, mais n'est pas satisfaite du résultat. Elle explique à Hurley qu'elle ne veut pas entendre parler de malchance, que ce n'est pas ce que les auditeurs veulent. Hurley acquiesce et accepte de refaire l'interview. Ensuite elle demande s'il elle peut aller faire quelques prises dans le restaurant. Hurley est plutôt contre car il n'a pas été inauguré mais Randy Nations lui dit qu'elle peut y aller. C'est alors qu'une météorite s'écrase sur le restaurant, tuant Tricia, le cameraman et un employé. (Chance et malchance)
  • Dziennikarka z telewizji Action 8 News, przeprowadzała wywiad z Hurley`em. Zginęła podczas uderzenia meteorytu w budynek Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack.
  • Tricia Tanaka war eine Reporterin, die Hurley auf Grund seines Lottogewinns und des Kaufs von Mr. Cluck's Hühnchenbude interviewt hat. Allerdings hat dieser nicht die gewünschten Antworten geliefert, weswegen sie schnell genervt und sarkastisch reagiert hat. Daraufhin lief sie zusammen mit ihrem Kameramann in die Hühnchenbude, die daraufhin von einem Meteoriten getroffen und zerstört wurde. Sie und ihr Kameramann starben dabei. („“)
  • Tricia Tanaka è la reporter di Action 8 News che intervista Hurley all'apertura del Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack, locale appena comprato dallo stesso Hurley dopo aver vinto la lotteria, nell'episodio "Tricia Tanaka è morta". Tricia lo intervista davanti al suo ristorante, ma rimane delusa dalle risposte evasive e insoddisfacenti dategli da Hurley. La giornalista gli spiega che la gente non vuole sentir parlare di "sfortuna" o delle sue vicende tristi in seguito alla vincita della lotteria; decide così di andare all'interno a filmare il ristorante insieme al suo cameraman. Dopo pochi istanti dal suo ingresso, un meteorite si abbatte sul locale distruggendolo, e di fatto uccidendo lei e il suo cameraman.
  • Tricia Tanaka was a newswoman from Action 8 News. She reported on Hurley's winning of the lottery, and his subsequent reopening of Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack.Tanaka interviewed Hurley in front of Mr. Cluck's, but quickly cut the interview short after Hurley started talking about his bad luck. After Tanaka and her cameraman went inside Mr. Cluck's to shoot additional footage, a meteorite crashed into and destroyed Mr. Cluck’s, killing Tricia Tanaka and the cameraman.
  • Tricia Tanaka was a reporter for a local television station in California. She had been interviewing Hurley and Randy after Hurley purchased a Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack and was planning to re-open it. During her interview, she became annoyed with the way Hurley shifted what was supposed to be a light-hearted interview to his supposed "curse". She proceeded inside to take some shots of the restaurant, when a meteorite suddenly appeared out of the sky, and collided with Mr. Cluck's, destroying it, and killing Tricia and others inside.
  • Tricia Tanaka era a jornalista que cobriu a reportagem sobre Hurley ter ganho na loteria. Tricia entrevistou Hurley na frente do restaurante Mr. Clucks, mas ficou insatisfeita com a entrevista inicial de Hurley. Ela explicou que queria uma história mais emocionante do que a má sorte de Hurley. Ele concorda em dar outra entrevista, o que leva Tricia a pedir para seu cameraman pegar uma visão melhor por dentro do Mr. Clucks. Nesse momento um meteoritocai no Mr. Clucks, destruindo o restaurante e matando Tricia e seu cameraman. [[Ficheiro:Meteorito_BUM!.jpg|thumb|Momento que o Mr. Clucks vai pelos ares.]]
is Personnage of
is Acteurs of
is Guests of
is Role of
is Guest of