  • The Trinity Killer
  • The Trinity Killer was the Main Antagonist of Season 4 in Dexter, who is believed to be a Serial Killer that kills 3 victims for each kill cycle he partakes in (a young woman in a bathtub, a middle-aged mother whom he coerces into suicide and a middle-aged father whom he bludgeons to death). Later on, however, it is shown that he actually kills in cycles of 4, the first victim being a 10-year old boy who is buried alive in cement whilst unconscious, 5 days before a woman is killed in a bathtub. He has been killing for about 30 years all over America and probably has the highest kill-count of any character in the series.
  • Blue
Full Name
  • Arthur Mitchell
  • 60
  • Deceased
First Appearance
  • Living the Dream
  • Grey
  • John Lithgow
  • Child Murders: Each boy is subdued, held captive for several days before being sedated and buried alive in concrete. Bathtub Murders: Mitchell subdues the woman, removes her clothes, takes her into a bath with her before incising her femoral artery with straight razor. Death by exsanguination. Jumper Murders: Mitchell verbally forces a woman to jump from a ledge. Bludgeoning Murders: Using any one of a number of blunt instruments, Mitchell repeatedly bludgeons a man's head.
status reason
  • Killed by Dexter Morgan
  • Trinity
  • Arthur
  • Alan
  • The Trinity Killer
  • At a young age, Mitchell witnessed his sister die in the shower His mother then committed suicide and his father was bludgeoned outside a bar.
  • The Trinity Killer
  • At least 267
Marital Status
  • Married
  • Straight razor, hammer .
Last Appearance
  • The Getaway
  • Serial Killer
  • College Tutor
  • Volunteer for Four Walls One Heart Church deacon
  • Male
  • Mitchell does not dispose of the bodies for the bathtub, 'suicide' or bludgeoning murders. He does, however, bury alive the ten-year-old boy.
  • Inactive
  • The Trinity Killer was the Main Antagonist of Season 4 in Dexter, who is believed to be a Serial Killer that kills 3 victims for each kill cycle he partakes in (a young woman in a bathtub, a middle-aged mother whom he coerces into suicide and a middle-aged father whom he bludgeons to death). Later on, however, it is shown that he actually kills in cycles of 4, the first victim being a 10-year old boy who is buried alive in cement whilst unconscious, 5 days before a woman is killed in a bathtub. He has been killing for about 30 years all over America and probably has the highest kill-count of any character in the series. Trinity is thought to be a lone-wolf by Special Agent Frank Lundy, however as Dexter Morgan stalks him, he comes to realize that he is a family man. Trying to overcome marital problems with his wife Rita Morgan, Dexter desires to learn how Trinity's able to balance his family life with his secret life as a heinous killer. He soon comes to know that Trinity is abusive and controlling, as both a father and a husband, and is thus easily able to pursue his extra-caricular activities at will (since his family does not have to deal with his abuse during his frequent absences). Dexter knows that he could never be a monster to his family, like Trinity and therefore, comes to despise him, rather than look up to him. He eventually kills Trinity, but his recurrent failures in dealing with him lead to his wife's death by Trinity's hands (which he realizes after killing him).