  • 1011
  • 1011
  • 1011
  • El número (1011) es el número natural que sigue al 1010 y precede al 1012. Categoría:Números
  • Annette und Ingo messen den Imbiss genau nach und finden - trotz Ingos höchst ordentlicher Arbeit -eine Unstimmigkeit: Zur Straße fehlen 15 Zentimeter Abstand. Ingo überzeugt Annette den Mangel zu verschweigen, aber der Kontrolleur vom Bauamt findet den Fehler dennoch. Richard will nicht wahrhaben, wie einsam er ist, seitdem er sich mit Ben zerstritten hat, Celine mit dem ungeborenen Kind weggegangen ist und Vanessa wieder nach Boston zurückgekehrt ist. Als er versucht, durch einen Flirt sein männliches Ego aufzubauen, versagt er selbst da auf ganzer Linie. Dass Jenny nun als alleinige offizielle Ansprechpartnerin im Leistungszentrum fungiert, ist eine bittere Pille für Simone. Sie ahnt aber, dass Claudia hinter Jennys überraschendem Erfolg steckt, und droht dem BDE-Präsidenten Hallbach, m
  • Yaeger finds himself in the basement of the Loomis House. He immediately notices the chained coffin and begins to open it. Upstairs, Carolyn thinks she hears someone in the basement, but William dismisses her claims and tells her he can't wait to interview her for his new book about Barnabas. In the basement, Yaeger finishes removing the chains, but William sneaks up from behind him and knocks him out with a pistol. He takes Yaeger upstairs. Meanwhile, Buffie arrives at the caves, but Yaeger is nowhere to be found.
  • 1011
  • 1970-05-04
  • 996
  • 1970
  • 1970-05-11
  • 1011
  • Yaeger finds himself in the basement of the Loomis House. He immediately notices the chained coffin and begins to open it. Upstairs, Carolyn thinks she hears someone in the basement, but William dismisses her claims and tells her he can't wait to interview her for his new book about Barnabas. In the basement, Yaeger finishes removing the chains, but William sneaks up from behind him and knocks him out with a pistol. He takes Yaeger upstairs. Meanwhile, Buffie arrives at the caves, but Yaeger is nowhere to be found. In the drawing room at the Loomis House, Yaeger regains consciousness and Carolyn holds him at gunpoint. Yaeger hears the clock chime and realizes he needs to go, but wonders why there is a coffin in the basement. Yaeger leaves, but tells Carolyn they will be continuing the conversation later. William returns to the drawing room, upset that Carolyn let Yaeger escape, but he tells her that he fixed the secret panel. Carolyn suggests that they let Barnabas go, but William says he needs him to finish his new book. William decides to move him to the secret room behind the bookcase. Yaeger rushes to the entrance of the caves and collects the antidote from Buffie. Buffie has many questions for Yaeger, but he gets furious with her and tries to get her to leave. Yaeger orders Buffie to not let anyone know that she saw him tonight. Buffie agrees to leave and tells Yaeger she never wants to see him again, but Yaeger tells her that isn't possible. In the Old House basement, William and Carolyn return with crosses around their necks. William opens the coffin and orders Barnabas out. He informs Barnabas that they are moving him to a different location as his location has been discovered, and he leads him upstairs with Carolyn close behind. Back at the cave, Yaeger contemplates never taking the potion again so he can live a more exciting life as John Yaeger. But he realizes there are too many risks, and takes the potion to turn back into Cyrus. William and Carolyn bring Barnabas to the secret room in the drawing room. Barnabas begs William to let him return to his own time, but William says he cannot leave until he has finished his book. Later that night, Larry goes to the lab, searching for Cyrus. Cyrus finally shows up and asks Larry about Horace's death. Larry believes Yaeger is the murderer, but he isn't entirely sure. Cyrus says he is positive that Yaeger wasn't in Collinsport, and that he is going to send him away forever. At the Loomis House, William continues to interview Barnabas for his book, and asks him many questions about the Josette from his timeband. Barnabas recalls that he loved her so much, he wanted to turn her into a vampire so they could be together for eternity, and he now regrets it. William is fascinated by the story, and as he is taking notes, Barnabas creeps up behind him and tears off the cross he is wearing, and prepares to bite him.
  • El número (1011) es el número natural que sigue al 1010 y precede al 1012. Categoría:Números
  • Annette und Ingo messen den Imbiss genau nach und finden - trotz Ingos höchst ordentlicher Arbeit -eine Unstimmigkeit: Zur Straße fehlen 15 Zentimeter Abstand. Ingo überzeugt Annette den Mangel zu verschweigen, aber der Kontrolleur vom Bauamt findet den Fehler dennoch. Richard will nicht wahrhaben, wie einsam er ist, seitdem er sich mit Ben zerstritten hat, Celine mit dem ungeborenen Kind weggegangen ist und Vanessa wieder nach Boston zurückgekehrt ist. Als er versucht, durch einen Flirt sein männliches Ego aufzubauen, versagt er selbst da auf ganzer Linie. Dass Jenny nun als alleinige offizielle Ansprechpartnerin im Leistungszentrum fungiert, ist eine bittere Pille für Simone. Sie ahnt aber, dass Claudia hinter Jennys überraschendem Erfolg steckt, und droht dem BDE-Präsidenten Hallbach, mehr herauszufinden. Als dieser daraufhin von allen Ämtern zurücktritt, ist das für Simone die Bestätigung, dass Claudia hinter Jennys Triumph steckt.
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