  • Texture
  • Texture
  • This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you.
  • A texture in 3D graphics refers to a 2D bitmap image that is used to make objects more than a plain colour. Sometimes people use the term 'texel', which means a texture pixel. This is just a pixel on the texture, as opposed to a pixel that is rendered when the texture is used, which can be scaled and rotated so that the texture is not exactly represented on the screen. The way DirectX determines the colour of a pixel on a texture object is it finds its position relative to the UV co-ordinates on the object, and looks up what texel that pixel is over. Objects can have multiple textures, and when shaders start being used they can be completely changed.
  • A texture is a graphic pattern used to cover a surface such as a wall. A texture usually is a rectangular pattern that may be tiled (repeated horizontally and/or vertically). It may also be clipped and/or offset. Please refer to one of the following: * Flats (for floor and ceiling textures) * Wall textures
  • A texture is an image which can be used to cover the faces of a prim as a visual representation of the material and look of an object or be used to make clothing or other tatoos or be put in a notecard. A texture is uploaded to Second Life through File > Upload Image... (L$10) Ctrl-U. They can be uploaded in bulk. Bumpmapping and "shininess"/"shiny" (environment mapping) are texture effects.
  • A cheese's texture can be soft, firm, supple, waxy, open, close and so on. Texture is largely dependent on its moisture content - the softer the cheese the higher its moisture content.
  • テクスチャと読む。絵のデータのこと。 服やプリムに貼り付ける模様、スカルプティの立体データなどすべてテクスチャである。画像サイズは 64x64など 2の倍数で扱うことができ、それ以外のサイズの画像をアップロードした場合はそのサイズに適当に直されてしまう。なお 1024x1024などの大きなサイズの画像を多数使うことはラグの原因のひとつともされているため使いどころには注意がひつようである。 なお壁などに貼りつけ済みテクスチャのサイズを調べたい場合、そのテクスチャを選択した状態で Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Tと押せば画像サイズが表示されるのでコレを元にラグ対策をしてゆくことができる。また、アップロードの際にデータは JPEG2000形式に再圧縮されるため、あまり細かい表現をしてある部分はつぶれてしまうことがある。
  • Basically, every material without Rigid or Wall in it blurs the textures. Textures can be made by dragging and dropping an image into the sandbox. The material the texture has is determined by the selected material.
  • The Texture object places a texture on the face that it is set to. It works similarly to the Decal object, but instead of scaling the image to fit the brick, it will repeat to fit the brick side. This way you can create repeating images across a wall. Though you cannot insert Textures like you can Decals, it is possible to use Decal images as textures. This tutorial shows you how. Copying Texture.png 1. * Put a Texture object inside the Part that you want the texture on. Use the Insert Object menu. 2. * Paste the link into the "Texture" property. Now you'll see the image!
  • This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you.
  • A texture in 3D graphics refers to a 2D bitmap image that is used to make objects more than a plain colour. Sometimes people use the term 'texel', which means a texture pixel. This is just a pixel on the texture, as opposed to a pixel that is rendered when the texture is used, which can be scaled and rotated so that the texture is not exactly represented on the screen. The way DirectX determines the colour of a pixel on a texture object is it finds its position relative to the UV co-ordinates on the object, and looks up what texel that pixel is over. Objects can have multiple textures, and when shaders start being used they can be completely changed.
  • A texture is a graphic pattern used to cover a surface such as a wall. A texture usually is a rectangular pattern that may be tiled (repeated horizontally and/or vertically). It may also be clipped and/or offset. Please refer to one of the following: * Flats (for floor and ceiling textures) * Wall textures
  • The Texture object places a texture on the face that it is set to. It works similarly to the Decal object, but instead of scaling the image to fit the brick, it will repeat to fit the brick side. This way you can create repeating images across a wall. Though you cannot insert Textures like you can Decals, it is possible to use Decal images as textures. This tutorial shows you how. 1. * Upload the image you want to use as a Decal 2. * Using the Insert menu, place your Decal on an object. 3. * Select the Decal in the Explorer Window. 4. * Under Properties , copy the link next to "Texture". Copying Texture.png 1. * Put a Texture object inside the Part that you want the texture on. Use the Insert Object menu. 2. * Paste the link into the "Texture" property. Now you'll see the image!
  • A texture is an image which can be used to cover the faces of a prim as a visual representation of the material and look of an object or be used to make clothing or other tatoos or be put in a notecard. A texture is uploaded to Second Life through File > Upload Image... (L$10) Ctrl-U. They can be uploaded in bulk. Bumpmapping and "shininess"/"shiny" (environment mapping) are texture effects.
  • A cheese's texture can be soft, firm, supple, waxy, open, close and so on. Texture is largely dependent on its moisture content - the softer the cheese the higher its moisture content.
  • テクスチャと読む。絵のデータのこと。 服やプリムに貼り付ける模様、スカルプティの立体データなどすべてテクスチャである。画像サイズは 64x64など 2の倍数で扱うことができ、それ以外のサイズの画像をアップロードした場合はそのサイズに適当に直されてしまう。なお 1024x1024などの大きなサイズの画像を多数使うことはラグの原因のひとつともされているため使いどころには注意がひつようである。 なお壁などに貼りつけ済みテクスチャのサイズを調べたい場合、そのテクスチャを選択した状態で Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Tと押せば画像サイズが表示されるのでコレを元にラグ対策をしてゆくことができる。また、アップロードの際にデータは JPEG2000形式に再圧縮されるため、あまり細かい表現をしてある部分はつぶれてしまうことがある。
  • Basically, every material without Rigid or Wall in it blurs the textures. Textures can be made by dragging and dropping an image into the sandbox. The material the texture has is determined by the selected material.