  • Daniel Imperato
  • Our companies, and our people, need to support our elderly. We must SAVE OUR SOCIAL SECURITY (S.O.S.S) or shut it down. This is an emergency. I believe that we can help save Social Security by reforming the 501(c)3 charity system or giving the option to we the people, to manage our own funds. One of the biggest abuses in America is charitable contributions. Many people who have made money off of the hard work of the American people, place their wealth in charities that do little for the American people.
  • Our companies, and our people, need to support our elderly. We must SAVE OUR SOCIAL SECURITY (S.O.S.S) or shut it down. This is an emergency. I believe that we can help save Social Security by reforming the 501(c)3 charity system or giving the option to we the people, to manage our own funds. One of the biggest abuses in America is charitable contributions. Many people who have made money off of the hard work of the American people, place their wealth in charities that do little for the American people. I propose a new charity system, where the only charity that can receive unlimited contributions is the Social Security 501(c)3 Charitable Fund. That way, wealthy Americans, who wish to have the largest tax deductions through charitable donations, will donate back to the American people and the Social Security Charitable Fund that will be run by we the people. In addition, this will hold accountable the principals of our current charities for their distribution of funds. It is necessary to close down the rest of them that are abusing our system. Charities that maintain honest business practices will be categorized numerically, with a rating system, and preference will be given to the ones that direct money towards America, and its people first.