  • Call on the help of the Church
  • From: [[]] There's more to religion than stained glass and hymns. You know a Cultured Vicar who can introduce you to a rarefied sort of artist. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Creation at the vicarage
Failure title
  • Talkative theology
  • 100
Failure description
  • The artists you meet through the Cultured Vicar are keen on theology. They simply will not shut up about it, no matter how forceful your requests. It's intolerable! Don't these people know you have a great work to create?
From Card/Storylet title
  • Religion and Art
Success description
  • The artists that you meet through the Cultured Vicar are solid sorts, once you get past the peculiar theology. Not exactly weighted with a genius like your own, but they do have the occasional good idea. You scribble away in the cosy vicarage [...]
  • There's more to religion than stained glass and hymns. You know a Cultured Vicar who can introduce you to a rarefied sort of artist.
  • From: [[]] There's more to religion than stained glass and hymns. You know a Cultured Vicar who can introduce you to a rarefied sort of artist. [Find the rest of the story at ]