  • Medical Tricorder
  • Medical tricorder
  • The medical tricorder can be slipped into a niche in a medical kit case, or, worn separately on a belt. A modern sickbay on any starship or starbase has several of these tricorders available, on trays or in the supply closet, so there is no excuse for a new, raw ensign to hand the doctor a regular tricorder without its MP, as Ensign Kim once did on USS Voyager.
  • A medical tricorder is a specialist type of tricorder augmented for medical diagnosis purposes. A medical tricorder’s sensors are designed for dedicated biological monitoring and analysis making the medical tricorder a key tool for federation physicians in the diagnosis of their patients. One of the more obvious physical differences in a medical tricorder compared to a standard tricorder is that they often feature a small detachable scanning devise for more targeted scans whilst the tricorder continues its general analysis.
  • Medical tricorders used throughout the years have been essentially similar in design to that of the standard tricorder, with the same available features and interface. The major difference is the addition of a deployable hand scanner. While some standard tricorders also have removable scanners, the medical tricorder's is much more advanced and can provide detailed scans of an entire individual, or give focus to a single area. (TOS: "The Man Trap" ; TNG: "When The Bough Breaks" )
  • A medical tricorder is a specialist type of tricorder augmented for medical diagnosis purposes. A medical tricorder’s sensors are designed for dedicated biological monitoring and analysis making the medical tricorder a key tool for federation physicians in the diagnosis of their patients. One of the more obvious physical differences in a medical tricorder compared to a standard tricorder is that they often feature a small detachable scanning devise for more targeted scans whilst the tricorder continues its general analysis. In 2254 Spock borrowed Doctor Phillip Boyce's medical tricorder to confirm his diagnosis that the USS Enterprise's systems had been infected by an organic virus when the Ngultor attacked the ship. (EV comic: "Flesh of My Flesh")
  • The medical tricorder can be slipped into a niche in a medical kit case, or, worn separately on a belt. A modern sickbay on any starship or starbase has several of these tricorders available, on trays or in the supply closet, so there is no excuse for a new, raw ensign to hand the doctor a regular tricorder without its MP, as Ensign Kim once did on USS Voyager.
  • Medical tricorders used throughout the years have been essentially similar in design to that of the standard tricorder, with the same available features and interface. The major difference is the addition of a deployable hand scanner. While some standard tricorders also have removable scanners, the medical tricorder's is much more advanced and can provide detailed scans of an entire individual, or give focus to a single area. (TOS: "The Man Trap" ; TNG: "When The Bough Breaks" ) They could also be used to perform quick multivariate analysis, such as the comparison of several different blood samples. (TOS: "Plato's Stepchildren" ) It is not necessary to use the scanner for the tricorder to function. The scanner can be separated from the tricorder, either to feed data to another source (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder" ) or not be attached to the tricorder at all. (DS9: "Babel") While the suite of sensors installed on medical tricorders is advanced, it is generally no substitute for the advanced and specialized equipment in a sickbay facility. Although very accurate on the living, it is taught in the first year of Starfleet Medical School that medical tricorders are not as accurate on the dead. (TNG: "Genesis" , "All Good Things..." ; DS9: "The Passenger") Although tricorders in general are widely available to starship personnel, medical tricorders are not normally made available to non-medical personnel outside sickbay. Despite this, hypochondriac William Telfer managed to obtain one for his own personal use on the USS Voyager. (VOY: "Good Shepherd") In 2258 of the alternate reality, the medical tricorder consisted of a scanning rod and handheld feedback monitor. (Star Trek) The following year, the scanner had been redesigned into a white oval-shape reminiscent of the previous monitor, and could be stored inside a normal tricorder. (Star Trek Into Darkness) In 2374, Seven of Nine described a medical tricorder she imagined in the following manner: "Duritanium casing. Seven point six centimetres by nine point eight centimetres by three point two centimetres. Alphanumeric display" (VOY: "Retrospect")