  • Ifyoucan
  • He was first encountered by the Sonic Underground in the middle of the desert, when he and his bodyguards rescued the siblings from a Swatbot ambush. Back at their encampment, the siblings revealed they have come to invite the Azcan to officially join the Resistance. Ifyoucan agreed, on the condition that Sonic the Hedgehog become an honorary member of the Azcan by passing the initiation test: defeating the Kar-lek. After the Sonic Underground helped fend off an attack by Sleet and Dingo on the Azcan camp, Ifyoucan officially pledged his allegiance to the Resistance.
  • He was first encountered by the Sonic Underground in the middle of the desert, when he and his bodyguards rescued the siblings from a Swatbot ambush. Back at their encampment, the siblings revealed they have come to invite the Azcan to officially join the Resistance. Ifyoucan agreed, on the condition that Sonic the Hedgehog become an honorary member of the Azcan by passing the initiation test: defeating the Kar-lek. After the Sonic Underground helped fend off an attack by Sleet and Dingo on the Azcan camp, Ifyoucan officially pledged his allegiance to the Resistance.